new clown trigger having major trouble emergency help!!!!



fish has been in the tank 24 hours. fed the tank silversides an hour later new clown trigger appears to be dying, breathing hard as if it's dying of lack of oxygen i'm currently airating the tank to insure there is enough oxygen "his throat is clear", is there anything else i can do to try to save him. he's in the tank with two large puffers no visible bite wounds or anything of that nature appears disoriented when tries to swim. other fish show no signs of trouble


another thing he's in there with a dog face and a porcupine. he acts as if he's been poisoned. i have the tank lights of to try to relax him


i would not think to much of it,sounds crazy but my fuscus trigger after eating i guess alot he acts like this gets very shy and at time i see him swimming a little to the side,in my case just guess he gets lazy after eating good,but good luck ,hope all is well


Originally Posted by Calmplex2g
i would not think to much of it,sounds crazy but my fuscus trigger after eating i guess alot he acts like this gets very shy and at time i see him swimming a little to the side,in my case just guess he gets lazy after eating good,but good luck ,hope all is well
Hmmm, I think something must be off though. He tries to swim but appears to be unable to see and just rams into stuff then lays on his side breathing hard on the sand. I am using a net to help keep him in a place with good water flow and keep him upright. Its like his is a zombie right now... Does it get that bad?


i mean he lays to the side,not completely maybe at a 10 o clock leanbut when he gets in the rock he might lean more,never tried to push him with the net,but im guessing he would run,never noticed him run into anything though,his tankmates are also way smaller than him,so i know mine was not attacked and he does this,did u drip him before adding him to the tank,but if hes eating i dont think u have a problem


Yea, did a nice slow introduction to the tank. He has been very active and curious all day. It really almost appears he is in some sort of toxic shock from bad food or something. The other fish are acting totally normal and ate 3x what he did so I am just totally confused. I did notice half of silverside on the tank bottom. He might have vomited this piece up making me think this has something to do with bad food, or a bad shrimp that the puffer only partially ate. When Ike hit and I lost my last triggers, they acted just like this before dying.
He is still breathing, but he does not even notice me moving him with the net, again like a zombie.
I also only fed him two small silverside and he might have got some krill and shrimp scraps from the puffers. Nothing strange.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
what are your water params?
sg 1.023
am 0
nit 0
other fish are totally relaxed and just "hangin out"...
I pulled 6 gallons from the reef into a bucket just in case. The reef water is top notch, but I figure that would definatly kill him moving him out of this current tank. I just dont know what to do.

crypt keeper

Active Member
stop chasing him. Let him be or pull him out. Dont move him just let him be. You dont want to cause anymore stress. what size tank is all this in?


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
stop chasing him. Let him be or pull him out. Dont move him just let him be. You dont want to cause anymore stress. what size tank is all this in?
Its a 150g tank. Just two fish and this new clown trigger. FOWLR. Still acting the same...


Could be possible got poisoned by one of the puffers, can you see if there are any bit marks on the puffers? Happened to my snapper when it bit down on my porky puffer recently, the snapper made it through ok, but was exhibiting the same affects your triger is, it wor off after a few hours....


Lost the Trigger last night, now my old puffer that I have had for years is dying. He was the only other one to eat the shrimp. They were poisoned by the shrimp... I want to vomit right now. I bought the farm raised shrimp to feed the big puffer because he is around 10" long. I have been feeding him these for years along with other food. This happend to me about 5 years ago and I should have learned the first time.
Please everyone! Do not feed your aggressive fish fresh farm raised shrimp from the store. I know for a fact it has to be the shrimp because only those to fish ate it. And they are both acting EXACTLY the same. Appear to be blind, breathing hard, and dying.


Active Member
Sorry about the CT. Was it a very tiny one? They are very hard to raise. I wouldn't rule out cyanide capture as the cause either; all the symptoms are there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by synyster11
Lost the Trigger last night, now my old puffer that I have had for years is dying. He was the only other one to eat the shrimp. They were poisoned by the shrimp... I want to vomit right now. I bought the farm raised shrimp to feed the big puffer because he is around 10" long. I have been feeding him these for years along with other food. This happend to me about 5 years ago and I should have learned the first time.
Please everyone! Do not feed your aggressive fish fresh farm raised shrimp from the store. I know for a fact it has to be the shrimp because only those to fish ate it. And they are both acting EXACTLY the same. Appear to be blind, breathing hard, and dying.
This is weird. Farm raised shrimp are raised to standards for human consumption and you'd think they would be safer than wild caught. I always use wild shrimp anyhow; they feed on marine organisms, farm raised don't.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
This is weird. Farm raised shrimp are raised to standards for human consumption and you'd think they would be safer than wild caught. I always use wild shrimp anyhow; they feed on marine organisms, farm raised don't.
The clown trigger was VERY large and was from a local fish store that had the fish for months. He was a perfect fish.
I did some research on farm raised... Lets just say I will never eat farm raised again.
After reading this, I will never touch farm raised again. Keep using live caught, and dont make the same mistake I did.


Yeah, I read that before which is why I never buy farm raised. Whatever I eat or feed my fish is wild caught. Sorry, you lost your clown. Hope the puffer will be ok.


Its very unlikely it died from food poisining. I would bet my money its some type of infection. More likely Marine Velvet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AuroraDrvr
Its very unlikely it died from food poisining. I would bet my money its some type of infection. More likely Marine Velvet.
I agree, perhaps just the stress from the move. I'm sure that is, by far, the most common cause of fish loss. I just skimmed the article on farm-raised shrimp and it seems obvious that any damage done by the chemicals is long term--not instant poisoning.


Thanks for the feedback. I agree that it is possible that it could be something else but it just seems very strange how fast all this went down. The puffer is still holding on to life but appears to still be very disoriented or nearly blind. After two days he finally vomited up all the shrimp from that day. Now he is very white in color and looks still to be in total shock. One top of that, I am not sure what happened but he now has a large white mark on one of his eyes. I think he scratched it swimming blindly.
The fact that both fish appear to have vomited the same food up really makes me lean in the food poisoning direction. The large dog face that did not get any shrimp and instead ate silversides that day is 100% fine. My porc. puffer that is now sick was in the tank for years with zero signs of any problem. If the puffer was not sick I would agree, but what are the odds its something other than the shrimp? Then again, this hobby is so unpredictable… who knows. Still sick to my stomach about it.