New Clowns... Help please


Ok, I'm hoping that I didn't make another stupid new person mistake again!!
I have a black clown that I bought from an individual, he's small... still a baby and my absolute favorite in the tank.
I wanted to get him a friend and I was told he could go with any of the orange clowns... So I went out and bought one. Now, I'm reading that the percs. can't be mixed with ocel. and vice versa....
How do I know if mine are different species or not?
They've gotten along great since I put them together... I think the little black one is really more interested in being friends then the big one is... the big orange one just kinda ignores the black for the most part. However, they are swimming together more often now and seem to get along??
So... Here's pics. Are they the same breed? Will they continue to get along and maybe eventuallly pair up?? Or will this eventually turn to WW3 in short order?
*sorry for so many pics, hard to get them both still long enough to get a decent shot*



They should be okay together....usually when you add a new clown though, you go smaller....
How long has it been in the tank?


They've been together since yesterday. I finally found a store that would take the Angel fish i was given (was going to be to large for my tank, but the local store wouldn't take it) and let me trade it so I swapped the angel for the clown.


I was hoping to go smaller, but the only other one's they had were already paired... This was the only "lone" clown and I was hoping they were close enough in size to not make a huge difference??
Any way to tell if they are percs. or the ocell?
Can they pair being different colors like this?
When I put the new one in, I keep the lights off for a couple hours and moved some stuff around.... No fighting as of yet


Well, you either have better eyes then I do, or gave the little guy a xanax first ( I know i'd have too)... There ain't no keepin him still long enough to count anything lol