New clowns


New Member
I tested the water again and all parameters were good to go so I went to the LFS yesterday and got a pair of Percs.
I acclimated them with the drip method and put them in the tank. They are in the front left corner of the tank together and won't swim anywhere else. Just up and down that corner.
I was thinking it's just tryin to get used to the new surroundings - but I am alittle worried so just in case, I'm wondering if this is normal for a new fish in a tank. If so, about how long does it take to get used to the tank and swim around?


They will probably eventually pick one spot in the tank that they won't venture too far from.


ive had mine for 5 months and they still like to curl up in the corner they come out and swim but they host the glass it seems. im goin to get the a bta here soon instead.