New Colt Coral


While i was at my LFS today, i saw a piece of colt coral in the bottom of the tank not attached to anything and it looked perty healthy. It was only about 2 inches lenght and with. I have been wanting to add some colt for a while, so I asked the guy if it was for sale and he gave it to me for 4 $. When i brought it home i just stuck one end of it into a piece of live rock, since it did not come attached to anything, and had no obvious base. Was this the right thing to do?
Also the guy said you didnt need to feed it, and it is totally photosynthethic?
Is this true?


Another question. For some reasson, my pepermint shrimp wants to try to eat the colt, and every time i put him in a hole, the shrimp grabs it and drags it out. Why is he doing that?


I add dts to my tank every couple of days I dont know if the polyps eat or not havent founf anything about it. as far as attaching it will form a base when it has something to attach to. if it comes loose of the rock you might try a toothpick or sewing it onto the rock.
just make sure you leave lots and lots of room around it because it will grow extremly fast.
here is pic of mine thats has double its size in 4 months.


Is 48 watts enough light? I know when I put my colt in an outdoor tank, It turned white, so I had to put it in the shade and let it regain its zooanthiliea. If you have enough light, it should keep a darker color, and do well.


I know colts dont need as much light about the same as mushrooms. its not how many whats you have going into the tank but the intensity and spectrum of the light.


Marco333 is my neighbor. He has one light piece with 2 X 10,000 k bulbs and one light piece with 28 watt smartlight. His spectrum is fine, im pretty sure.


i think 48 watts is just fine considering he has it in a 10g tank! how can u like tell if the bulb spectrum is good and wat bulbs does anyone suggest for good spectrum?


well im geussing here but i think if he has both daylight and actinic in euqual parts and its bright he should be fine.