New Coral Beauty


I just put in a Coarl Beauty, put it in Fri at about 6:30 acclimated for 4 hours bag water was at 1.025 same as in my tank. He was hiding alot now hes coming out a little at a time to check out the tank, but mainly hides in rock. My questiuon is how & what do I feed him?
Hes picking at the rock but will not eat what I feed, +he hides when I feed. I have tried mysis frozen & freeze dryed, mega marine algae with vitamins it floats so he wont come up, tried spirulina tablets where he hides may be picking at it, & pellets wich I feed my clowns with, also soaked it all in garlic. Should I wait for him to come out to eat? Or is there soming I can feed him? I dont want to loose him because hes not eating. I only have 48lbs of lr & a lawnmower blenny I dont think thats enough for him to eat off.
Any suggestions? :help:


Originally Posted by HiFi
I only have 48lbs of lr & a lawnmower blenny I dont think thats enough for him to eat off.
Any suggestions? :help:
you're feeding the lawnmower blenny to the angel? just kidding.
seriously though, it sounds like he is being given plenty of oportunity to eat with plenty of good choices. since you just put the fish in the tank friday, he is probably still getting used to his surroundings. he will be fine in time. good luck.


:hilarious Thats funny!!! I hadn't noticed the way I typed it, it sounds like I was feeding my blenny to my coral
Seriously, I hope he comes out soon. I lost a keyhole angel about 2 weeks ago Im not sure why, some thought it was velvet but nothing else got sick so I would say there could not have been any velvet in my tank. Im just a little uneasy about him not eating. :thinking: Ill give him more time. I dont have a choice!!


i think you will find your coral beauty angel to be hardier than your keyhole angel was.
maybe you could try rubberbanding a piece of nori or seaweed selects to a small chunk of rock and putting it where you think the angel is hiding. i'm sure he will get used to his surroundings and come out soon.


I had a Coral Beauty for a few months. When I first put him in the tank he hid like that too. It took a couple of weeks for him to actually get curious/brave, then I hardly ever saw him hide. And I agree that yours will be fine. Probably just getting used to new surroundings.


Thats good to know. How did he eat for you? Do you have any suggestions on feeding while hes getting used to his new home? What does you beauty like for food? Sorry for so many questions but I want to make sure hes as comfy as I can make it


HMM, My Coral beauty was a hog from the day I put him in. He eats everything and stays out in the open until the lights go off, then he has a special cave that no one else is allowed to venture into where he spends the night.
I feed, seaweed on a clip every other day
Formula 1 and Formula 2, chopped fish and shrimp soaked in Zoe as well as mysis and squid, something different every day. My angel also loves the galic pellets and races the Scotts Fairy Wrasse to see who can eat the most the fastest. They are both pigs and FAT!
Oh, you might purchase some Zoe or Zoecon. It makes even flakes desirable when soaked in it.


My Coral beauty took a few days to settle in, then adapted to flake quite quickly, I agree that this fish will be much more hardy than the keyhole, he will come around. I have had fish that didn't eat for many days when first introduced, then came around nicely. he will be fine, good luck!


New Member
It took my Coral Beauty about a week before it would eat, and atleast a month before she would come to the front of the tank. She eats everything now, and really likes a garlic additive.


:joy: Thanks for the replies, shes finally coming out. ***) Fun to watch but still shy & not eating with the others yet, but she is eating what falls behind the rock. I do use garlic, everybody else in my tank are pigs so I hope she learns from them


Active Member
just like tangs theyneed to be convinced it safe..for many tangs I have put seasweed between the rock at the front of the tank so they have to come out to eat....ussually happens at night but eventually 2 days later there out and running..