new coral help



i just purchased my first pieces of coral this week a nice piece with star polyps and some buttons my emerald crab while taking care of the algea on the rock knocked it off its ledge breaking loose some pieces with buttons on it one i was able to fit into a hole in the rock but i have a small piece with 4 buttons on it how can i glue it down or should i just find a nice place and they will do it themselves oh yeah i got a zenia frag to there seems to be a little damage to one of the buttons on the cluster in the hole will this heal??



+1 on super glue. Just make sure it's a cyanoacrylate based superglue (like your basic Krazyglue) Those are specifically resistant to water and do great at bonding body tissue.


New Member
No I put it on the coral then put it under water were i want it. you need to do this fast. it is also kinda fragile after that. i started to use the puddy. better stick.