New Coral


I just received coral today from this site, first ones, got a clove polyp, gren star poly and brown zoos. I have acclimated and put in tank, leaving light out for 3 hours, when do these guys open and they are all a brownish ugly color, is that natural until they get settled and open???


Just noticed my scooter bleeny is really interested in this coral, he is all over it and seems to be eating something???? Is this usual, as you can see I am really new at this too!


they will sometimes take a few day to open . I wouldn't worry about the scotter for he is most likely just pick off hitchhiker type stuff. What I do is place where I want them if they dont open in 4 days I move them then try that spot for 4 day till I find a spot they like. If you dont have a book on where corals like to be placed wouldrecomend for it helps you on understand the coral and there needs( Circulation / Lighting etc)


Good to know because I would have thought I got bad coral so now can just sit and wait. Thanks Again...


will post photos as soon as i can figure out how. Have a digital but it says pixs to big need 500 x 500 and I'm not sure how to change. Tried with Pain but hopeless...


I tried paint but i am such a dummy, it changes to 500 x 500 but i only get the top part of the photos. My corals have opened and they are really pretty, would like to show but can't figure this sizing out.