i may get flamed for posting this, but my tank is only 4.5 weeks old, so this is the only acro in there, but here's what i do have
that acro
long tentacle anenome
candy cane
orange ricordia
blue ricordia
green ricordia
hairy mushrooms
blue mushrooms
red mushroom
eagle eye zoas
fire (red) zoas
blue zoas
purple zoas (hitchhikers)
yellow stony polyps
pink bubble coral
sun coral
red chili
green brain
plate coral
a few polyps of pulsating xenia (came on the acro)
2 perc clowns (took to the anenome in 2 days)
2 blue chromis
1 six line wrasse
1 mystery wrasse
1 sally lightfoot
2 emerald crabs
1 blood shrimp
7 hermits
5 turbo snails
25 narcisis (sp?) snails
fuge has chaeto, small pieces of live rock and 2 mangroves also has a phos-reactor with phosphate removing media in it hanging off th side.
just tested everything again today, and all levels are where they need to be, surprisingly so seeing how much i have in there already (calcium is only at 390 though - so am alternating between purple up , part A&B, and liquid calcium every other day or so to raise those) key to levels....awesome live rock. (although i either have a mantis or a pistol shrimp that hitchhiked in there, i hear faint clicking sometimes)
that guy does sell corals, but mostly frags. he supplies many of the lfs with their corals as well.