New Coralife Pro HQI - Questions


Hi all,
I picked up a new 72" Coralife Pro HQI unit today (3 x 150w MH, 4 x 96w blue actinic, 4 x 1w blue LED's). I'm wondering about the timing of the 3 different type lights.
Should the actinic's run along with the MH lamps, or should they come on when the MH's go off?
So, for example, do I setup the timers:
8 AM - 4 PM - MH only
4 PM - 12 AM - actinics only
12 AM to 8 AM - moon glow LED's only

I'm switching from a PC unit that I ran 12 hours on, 12 hours off. I currently do not have any type of algea problem in the tank, so I'm concerned about running the MH's for 12 hours. Is 8 enough/too long? I have 1 bubble tip anemone and 1 green star polyp. The rest of the tank is just fish and inverts (crabs and snails).


If u run them halides all day u will have alge problem.Run actics all day.1 halide on for couple hours then another on a couple and third.Dont have all 3 on for more then 2 hrs and then start dropping at same rate.Having antics on the last 2 hrs.I run antics first 2 hrs and the last 2 hrs.With halides on in the middle.You want to imatate the sun.With a peak in the middle of the day.Also if u run them halides all day.your water temp going to go crazy which can stress fish.also i turn everything off at night..8 hrs anyway


Active Member
I agree your light cycle is way to long and you'll have nothing but algae issues.......Are you home all day to view the tank?? Most people run their lights between 8-10 hours a day.......I would suggest if you work during the day to start you light cycle later in the day, that way when you get home from work the light cycle is about mid day, that way you can enjoy your corals and stuff fully open.


Wow. How many light timers do you have? Or are you using something like an AquaController?
Thanks for the info.


Active Member
I run 4 250W PFO ballasts, 2 660 IceCap ballasts for VHO's and 3 Iceca moonlights and all is controlled by a Neptune controller......I have used timers in the past and found the cheaper dial ones don't seem to like the jolt from the MHs and don't last long....The digital timers from Lowes or Walmart seem to be ok....I've only had a problem in the past with 2 of them, but they lasted forever.....When I upgrade to new tank just didn't want all the mess and wire with timers and power strips, so the AquaController was a simple solution to handle power management.....