New Corals!!!!! Where to put them?


I just got these specimens and I'm wondering about optimum placement in my tank. I have a 30 gal cube with a lot of live rock and a sunpod 150W MH. Basically I can put these anywhere (high to low) but I really don't want the color to bleach or dull from poor placement. Also how about water flow? I'm guessing the Acro likes high flow and the Zoa's are med to low. Any suggestions.
Also I have the sunpod 150 which only has on MH bulb, no supplemental actinics or anything like that. With that being said, which bulb would you guys reccomend which would give me a good combination of growth and coloration without actinics.
I've heard good things about XM and Phoenix 15K bulbs but what about going to a 20K?



Active Member
I would put the acro up high because they need a lot of light and a lot of flow. The zoas can go towards the middle/bottom but out in the open so they can get plenty of flow (but not too much). The other coral looks like an LPS? If it is then they usually like the bottom of the tank.


Active Member
A 20k 150w bulb will not have much par so growth will be pretty slow. Im thinking about switching to either reeflux 12k or phoenix 14k for my 2x150w sunpod in a month or so. but the growth of my 10k bulbs has been great lately.


The middle coral looks like a blasto to me. I think they are a lower light coral so you will probably want to place that towards the bottom of the tank as well.