New Corals


New Member
I have had my 55 gal tank up and running now for about 9 months. I just bought a 130w Lunar compact light, and as far as I know, I am now ready to start getting some coral. I don't know what corals will do good with this type of lighting. I have plenty of water movement. Anybody have suggestions as to what corals will do good. I am also wanting an anenome for my two false percs if anyone has suggestions.
Tank thus far:
10 hermits
15 snails
1 Chocolate Star fish
1 Sm. Yellow tang
2 Sm. False Perculas
2 Sm. blue damsels
1 Sm. Three stripe damsel
1 Coral Beuty Angel (may not be around much longer)


Active Member
If your star is a chocolate chip it is not reef safe. Other than that I don't know anything else, sorry. I'm new.


Active Member
well you really dont have enought light for an anemone. Also coral wise you might want to look at shrooms, zoos/button poylps, and really any low light corals. with your tank you dont have but a little over 2 watts a gallon and thatisnt really enought got anything else. If you want to shrooms or button poylps let me know i have a bunch that i am trading.


New Member
alright, ;listen here, if you would like a very healthy tank, iwould get one 250 watt metal hilide.. with this you can get any corals,(with some exeptions) but if you keep your other bulbs you should start of with some xeninia and deffinetly some pretty mushroomes. and mabye a cheap hatian anenome just to try out, if it dies thier just 5 bucks but if it lives you can get a bulb or long tent. anenome


Active Member
Dont buy something that you are like well if it dies then OH WELL :mad: thats a very bad thing to do in this hobby. Care about what you are getting and what you have. IF you dont have the money to buy new lights then start out with low light corals. Untill you can then get others.


New Member
Columbus, IN. Would any hard corals be okay or should I just stick to the soft. I placed some Xenia in my tank about 3 days ago and it seems to be doing really well.


Active Member
well since you only have less then 3 watts a gallon. so just look at stuff that is need of lower light. shrooms zoo.

reefer jer

Trade/remove chippy star, he trouble,,,,has an awkward look about him....
Only pacific anemones are symbiotic with clowns....why because clowns only live in the pacific.....condys, are atlantic/carribean......
As a whole stay away from anemones untill you are experienced art reefing....UNLESS you want a flower anemone....these things are colorful and tuff! Low light...very very hardy....sting pretty good!
Will my clownfish host in one?? He better hope not, or he will end up like ol chippy!! LOL
If you want clowns....please do get em...their GREAT! if ya want a host.....go for green star poylps.....they love em...even more than anemones sometimes......sacrophytons also work....they may like xenia...but I seriously doubt the xenia will like them....
Your lights....well a little something you won't read many places.....PC lights are TERRIBLE! IMO
They work great on macroalgea refugiums, and xenia! Will grow most softies well to.....enough watts, MORE than you got will also (with many other things like good circulation) grow many hard corals, sps...but youy will have a tank full of beautiful...well....maybe neat shape, but not neat color....
In other words sps (not all) turn BROWN under pc....but hey you got good starter lights I used regular 40 watters for years...
My lighting advice......Halides are great!
I still really love VHO!!!!! I still use VHO with my x3 250 watt halides, with 14K bulbs.....URI is a great brand!
ICECAP awsome to....but I always vote electronic ballasts either way.
So can I have starter corals....????? WEll YES If you water and other things are asked a good question about lighting but thats just 1 of many variables.....ALL reefers do screw up though...heck I've lost thousands of dollars reefing, but I learned, I now have over 100 kinds of corals...I now have a 180 gallon all SPSa/clams keep studing!
Please tell us all a little more about your system....will help give better advice!
Thanks for asking Reefer!!!!
Reefer Jerm