New Corals!!!



Thanks guys

I am going to take a full tank shot when all of the corals are out and open. right now the chili coral not as beautiful as it can be.


Here is my full tank shot. My Nano is still a work in progress. I would like more color in my tank what other corals can I introduce? I was thinking putting:
Blue mushroom
yellow polyps
yellow or orange rics
Let me know what you think and where to place them.

Attachment 226991


What makes coral bleach? I have noticed some of my other corals losing color and I am concerned. Is it a lack of nutrients? I just do a water change 2 times a month and add a little kents vita chem onece a week. What should I do?


Active Member
ususally its from not having strong enough lights.
but also from having bad water chemestry.
u need to add iodine, calcium, marine trace, magnesium about once every 2 weeks after u do the water changes.


Get a tester kit first, then start dosing on the things that are low.
But if you have good salt a water change brings levels up.
Also you can try increasing your water change schedule and the amount you change. How much water do you change those two times a month?


Thanks for the reply guys.
I have a 14gal so when I do a water change I take out about 2 gal.
As for the bleaching I've heard that high temperatures could cause it to occur. I think this is my case because my temp has been over 84 degrees for a while now. During the summer the temp in my room is very hot. I try to keep a fan near by but on really hot days it does not help.
aquaguy24, My PH is at 8.2 and yes the color of my monti is a yellowish green. The color changes at different angles.