New corals!


Picked up a colt coral and a leather toadstool, the colt was all slimy when i placed it in the tank after acclimating is that normal? i assume it will stay closed up for the next couple days and my hammer stayed closed and slimy for a couple days when i first got it about 8mos ago... anything special for these two? Will the colt really try to hurt surrounding corals like its noted on the site here? if so ill make sure its moved away from other corals


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
Picked up a colt coral and a leather toadstool, the colt was all slimy when i placed it in the tank after acclimating is that normal? i assume it will stay closed up for the next couple days and my hammer stayed closed and slimy for a couple days when i first got it about 8mos ago... anything special for these two? Will the colt really try to hurt surrounding corals like its noted on the site here? if so ill make sure its moved away from other corals

The slime is normal, it is just stressed from being shipped. Yes..move the colt away from every other coral and run acrtivated carbon to stop any chemical warfare the coral may give off. Also both of these corals get big so give them plenty of growing room. In a single month the toadstool (with proper care) will double in size.
Cogratulations on your new coral.


Thanks flower!! I have been a member here for quite sometime but nearly never post.. lots of lurking. will the toxins harm the fish or just the corals? There are NO corals on the left side of the tank so i can just move it over there.
What is considered "proper" care for the toadstool??
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
Thanks flower!! I have been a member here for quite sometime but nearly never post.. lots of lurking. will the toxins harm the fish or just the corals? There are NO corals on the left side of the tank so i can just move it over there.
What is considered "proper" care for the toadstool??
Thank you!

Toadstools are very easy...they adapt to any place in the tank as long as it has some light. You want good flow of water over it, but not beating it to death. Once it attatches it is like impossible to move, it will leave a little tissue behind which will grow another toadstool.
It will double in size and then double that etc..etc.....they get really big. You can take a pair of scissors and cut it into a 100 pieces and each piece will grow into another coral, so fragging is easy. You can also just trim the edges and keep it's growth in check .
Chemical warfare takes place between coral only, so fish are safe.


awesome, thank you!! I already moved the colt away from everything else. Im very excited about them both. I have a really nice hammer but its taken it 6mos to get a visible new polyp on it, been a very slow progress, the GSP has also grown very slow.. my mushrooms and zoos on the other hand have been pretty quick


Active Member
Hi Adee! Long time no see!
My only caution with you new soft corals would be to get them downstream from other coral as much as possible. They do slime from time to time and this slime is detrimental to other coral so you want to have it wash into the overflow for you filter.


yeah, talk about it long time no see... ive been crazy busy with school, work, new puppy, exc the tank kind of took back seat, so much so i disassembled the 37 gallon reef and moved the corals to the big tank so now we only have the 125 the tank taking the back seat is why our stocklist kind of dwindled.. actually the stock list dwindled because we caught a crab off the coast that was eating our fish and the sharks tail for dinner.. needless to say it got returned back to the ocean

check our my new stock list request.. i would love your feed back.


HI ADEE!!!! How ya been....nice stuff....I had a colt...I swear it took a week to open....I thought it was they are always slimy to the touch (YUCK)
they will open once they get use to their new home :)


Thanks :) Yes, its been a very long time.. just got crazy busy with life and stuff... glad to be back full swing, cant wait until tax return time im gonna pick up a bunch of new corals and a nicer lights


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
Thanks :) Yes, its been a very long time.. just got crazy busy with life and stuff... glad to be back full swing, cant wait until tax return time im gonna pick up a bunch of new corals and a nicer lights

LOL...Me too!