New crab, another one?



So I was doing some work yesterday and looking at my tank and out of this rock I see this little brown claw sticking out looking for food. Cute little brown crab with pretty pointy claws. Now question is... can I leave it alone? This is a FOWLR tank, only 3 fish in it: a fuzzy dwarf lion, a small niger trigger and a zebra eel. The trigger will only be in here for a short while but this is the permanent home of the lion and eel. Can the crab pose any threat to either of these two?


This sounds like the crab that lives in my tank...I managed to get a couple pics - I'm not sure it's ok for my tank but it never leaves the rock that I know of....I did see him reach out and grab a small snail last night though.


Pr0bably n0t t0 th0se fish but t0 0thers 0r CUC. M0st nitchhiker creabs can be an issue but th0se 0ther fish might just eat the crab as well


Originally Posted by KingSmith
Pr0bably n0t t0 th0se fish but t0 0thers 0r CUC. M0st nitchhiker creabs can be an issue but th0se 0ther fish might just eat the crab as well
somebody's "o" not work on their keyboard? Good adaptation


Originally Posted by KingSmith
Pr0bably n0t t0 th0se fish but t0 0thers 0r CUC. M0st nitchhiker creabs can be an issue but th0se 0ther fish might just eat the crab as well
No Sperka ther engrish????
Anyways most crabs can cause problems so a general rule of thumb is remove em.