New Critters


New Member
I was messing around with my tank last night and decided to move my LR that I have had in the tank 3 years now. I only have 20 lbs in there so it was a easy thing to do. On the second rock I turned over I noticed what looked like a starfish leg. I turned the lights out waited a little while longer. Sure enough there is a serpent starfish hiding in my rock. He is about 1 inch. I have heard of new critters coming out months after adding LR to the tank but 3 years? What could have caused this. What have some of you found and after how long?


Active Member
wow u jus noticed the star after 3 years?
there called hitch hikers, some r good and some r bad, im think urs is a good one lol, inever found a hitch hicker, all i found was a conch shell wen i was pouring my live sand in the tank
they might be the kind you put in sumps and they lower nitrates from the water, i dont know can you put up a picture? that would help. and uuuh do you have eye problems or something? 3 years???