new cycle!


Help i think my QT is going through another Cycle!
I have a Yellow angel and a percula clown with two blue reef chromis. Last night when i got home from work the amonia was .5( the second green bar) I did a water change i havn't checked in this morning. How long do the fish have to stay in the QT? would they be safer in the DT? Will the amonia spike stress them? will they get ich? My other parameters were sg/1.024, ph 8.4,alk normal range,trites .05, trates 0. it is a 10 gallon.


OK, no advice so here is what I did. I did another water change this morning. I took 2.5g from my DT tank and put it in my QT tank. I will check amonia later. I am prepared to do another water change if i need to tonight. How long will a new cycle take? Should i put the new fish into the DT and take my chances?
With no replies i am feeling like I myself have ICH


Active Member
the small water change you did is fine. most QT tanks are unstable due to being put up and down so much but oevr all your readins are nothing to worry about really. just keep the water clean with the small changes are awhile while you keep an eye on the fish for signes of strss na dproblems and then move them to the display after a few weeks.


Active Member
My honest opinion is to put them in the DT. Keep in mind some test kits will give constant .5 ammonia readings so if you test again now and it's still at .5 I'd let a LFS test it also.
I think the fish will be okay.


I just tested it again and it is .25 amonia. How many times can i pull water from my DT. for my QT? my DT is a 36g. i took 2.5g off this morning. can i do it again tonight or wait untill tomarrow?


Active Member
considering the fish in question like said above just toss them in. very hardy and should be ok.


Active Member
here is what you do. Go to ***** or petsmart and buy AmQuel+ that will make any ammonia in the tank non toxic and your fish should be just fine.


What if someone has ICH? I only have a clown and a royal gramma in my DT. I would hate to start all over again? If i put them in do i have to drip acclimate them>? the temp is 80 and the sg. 1.024 in both tanks.


Active Member
DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE DT. Keep them in the QT tank. Put the amquel in the QT tank and you will still see signs of ammonia, but the amquel binds with the ammonia and detoxifies it while still allowing the bacteria to feed off of it for nutrition. Ammonia is essential to all saltwater in the beginning to get the bacteria up and running. After that, they digest it and thats why your ammonia eventually goes to 0.
If you put the fish in the DT right now, you totally lost site of the QT and probably did more harm than good.
However, if you do choose to put the fish in the DT, then you need to drip acclimate like before.