new dragonface pipefish


im so excited
i just got 2 dragonface pipefish today. they are sooooo cute and omgosh i cant stop watching them.
so i just have a few questions....
1~they fed them frozen cyclops at the lfs and they eat frozen.. my question is- is frozen mysis better? i have read all the things they eat but never ran aross anything about cyclops. or is that just as good?
they are hunting all my copepeds,etc, as well in my tank and i will also offer bbs.
2~how do you tell male or female dragonface pipes? cant find anything on that?
any extra advice or info in these pipes will also be appriciated!!!



neat pipes I like the looks of them! Not sure about the feeding though as I have never kept any myself. Are they in your horse tank? Congrats on the new purchase!


Awesome!I may be getting an African bluestripe pipefish next week.
As for feeding,if they are eating cyclops that is good as most usually only eat live.Cyclops are a very good for fish and should be fine for them.
How big are they?They are really cute!
Just make sure you are feeding often as they like seahorses consume alot of food a day.
Thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
Oooh, I'm so jealous!
I really want a pair of these as well, but I'm going to have to wait until I upsize my Horse tank, or upgrade the filtration. Good luck keeping them!


thanks everyone... so far so good. they are deffinatly loving all the copepods and other little thingys in the tank. ive been feeding the frozen cyclpos but i think they perfer the live stuff... hopefully they will still eat frozen too as its just an extra. im also hatching bbs so they have a bit of variety.
they keep changing color which is so cool.
they are in my pony tank but i havent gotten any yet, the person i ordered from i think is out. so in the mean time im enjoing watching them till i get them their new rommies~ the ponies :)
so no one knows how to tell if they are m/f?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lulabulla
thanks everyone... so far so good. they are deffinatly loving all the copepods and other little thingys in the tank. ive been feeding the frozen cyclpos but i think they perfer the live stuff... hopefully they will still eat frozen too as its just an extra. im also hatching bbs so they have a bit of variety.
they keep changing color which is so cool.
they are in my pony tank but i havent gotten any yet, the person i ordered from i think is out. so in the mean time im enjoing watching them till i get them their new rommies~ the ponies :)
so no one knows how to tell if they are m/f?
Your new pipe fish are gorgeous!!
Quick question..."when you say getting "ponies" for their new tank you ponies(dwarf seahorses) or their larger cousins horses(Seahorses)?


Originally Posted by Rykna
Your new pipe fish are gorgeous!!
Quick question..."when you say getting "ponies" for their new tank you ponies(dwarf seahorses) or their larger cousins horses(Seahorses)?
thanks they are very cute and fun to watch..
i was talking about dwarfs. i read that these spacific pipes are ok to house with them... is there sometihing you know i dont?
you know if for some reason its not ok.. its always an excuse to set up another tank right ... LOL hahaha


Originally Posted by dingus890
Awesome!I may be getting an African bluestripe pipefish next week.
As for feeding,if they are eating cyclops that is good as most usually only eat live.Cyclops are a very good for fish and should be fine for them.
How big are they?They are really cute!
Just make sure you are feeding often as they like seahorses consume alot of food a day.
Thanks for sharing!

good choice in pipefish i love mine easy to breed also but fry living not so much


Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21
good choice in pipefish i love mine easy to breed also but fry living not so much
since you said yours breed... can you tell the diff. from you boy and girl?
also what do you feed yours?
if you have pics i'd like to see them :)
thanks :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by lulabulla
thanks they are very cute and fun to watch..
I was talking about dwarfs. i read that these spacific pipes are ok to house with them... is there sometihing you know i dont?
you know if for some reason its not ok.. its always an excuse to set up another tank right ... LOL hahaha

Ponies are a species ONLY tank. The pipe fish would eat the fry, juveniles, and the adults too if the pipe fish was big enough.! Ponies only eat live baby brine shrimp, and the pipe fish would gobble up all the food before the ponies could get even a snout full. It's hard enough to hatch enough brine to make sure all your ponies are getting enough to eat.
I've tried several sizes of tanks for my ponies, I prefer my 15g.


Originally Posted by novahobbies
So, it's been two days...have they acclimated well? How are they doing?
....can I have one???

so my new little guys/gals are doing great!!! they eat like little piggies :)
i feed them 2 or 3 times a day and they eat frozen just great and like to snack on the little critters in the tank through out the day. i am going to have to seed my tank with some extra pods since i think they are doing a great job getting all of them. I have not set up my fuge in the back chamber but am going to try to get that done by the end of next week... my goal is to do it and not watch "walter and harriet" all day long LOL.
i still dont know how to tell if they are male or female but i have gotten good views of their underbellys and they look the same...
i must say i havent gotten to experience the seahorses yet but iam in ohh and ahhh over these pipes.. so i can just imagine having both :)


Originally Posted by dingus890
For some reason I get the feeling they are both females.

Glad they are doing well

LOL i think they are both girls too... i wonder if she cares her name is walter? LOL my daughter named her hahaha.