New Dwarf Lion Laying on Sandbed


Hello,yesterday at my lfs i purchased a fuzzy dwarf lionfish for my tank. After being properly acclimated he went down to the sandbed and hasnt left it since. Is this normal?
Thank you


Active Member
Commentary: The Dwarf fuzzy lionfish is probably the best of the dwarf lions that a hobbyist can keep in an aquarium, mainly because they are hardy, disease resistant, readily weaned onto prepared foods, and are actively swimming lionfish. These fish have a unique fuzzy texture to their scales and possess semi-circular pectoral fins that are decorated with stripes and patterns. The fin rays are short and connected with solid webbing. During the day, D. brachypterus tend to hang upside down in caves or on soft corals. During the dawn/dusk periods, dwarf fuzzy lionfish become very active and swim about in search of food. After a few months in captivity, all of my dwarf fuzzy lionfish have learned to swim towards me whenever I walked into the room, and they continue to swim and beg for food while I'm present
Seems like this article says they become active during dawndusk hours so I guess you could get that they are not very active during the day??????


Active Member
I had a fuzzy for a while . It mainly just hung out on the rocks it would swim around a little at dawn and duskand when I would feed the other fish . Other than that it was pretty lazy


OK thanks everyone, just put some brine shrimp in for the tank and he came right up and is swimming around happily.