NEW dwarf seahorses!!


Active Member
welp, today i received my DWARF SEAHORSES, they are the most adorable little guys ever...and while in the bag they had not only did i get 12 seahorses, but about 9 babies or so



Active Member
What!!!!! tht is awesome.. if you can take care of them then woo tht is an amazing find!
bte got anymore pics of the babies..
in the bag huh.. tht is wierd.. must of been wierd to see?


Active Member
thats a nassarius snail just in case you didnt realize...i didnt get to actually see it happened, but all of a sudden there kept being more and more.haha

30-xtra high

Active Member
you lucky sob...why can't i get a find like that?, ohwell, congrats on your new seahorses... and their babies. raise the babies and sell them, and you'll have basically gotten your seahorses for free.


Active Member
CAn we get a Full tank shot. Also is that sand or cc. How do you filter? Arnt they so delicate. Do you have lr? I know nothing about seahorses. Just wondering


Active Member
bronco, i see a good op for education.
dwarfs are not for everyone. they need dedication beyond normal saltwater tanks. thier tanks must be pretty much sterile. everything in thier tank must be panicured so that no hydroids get in. They will kill them. you must hatch brine shrimp and gut load them everyday. There is so much more.


Active Member
yea...these aren't something i just picked up at a local LFS...i ordered them through a site...but i've been around another forum for about a year learning about em...they take daily baby brine shrimp, so you are constantly hatching them twice a day...i have a regular HOB filter which the intake must be covered with something so that those little babies dont get caught in the filter....i have rock, but its not live...i boiled everything i put in because adding live items always raises the risk for hydroids, like teresa said.....alot of people go with the fake freshwater look for these guys, but i like the real i added dead rock and dead sand...its tropic eden...aragasnow i tihnk, or mini fliakes, one of the too....its the fine grade or medium grade stuff, no CC for me...the only flow in there is the filter...they can hardly handle anything, so thats about all you can have safely...i put in a RIO50, but even that is was to i unplugged it for now....they are the cuteste little guys ever


Active Member
Congrats. I wish you luck my friend. Keep us posted. Is the powerhead intake protected? I am sure you thought about that, just checking though. Barry


Active Member
hey, maybe you can attach a tube to your power head, and drill holes along it to spread the flow out. mini spray bar with big holes.


Active Member
i dont have the RIO running right now, too powerful still...i will probably connect a hard tubing like teresa mentioned to make a mini spray bar, but not 100%, didnt have time last night...and to cover the intake i took pantyhose to cover it for now
i'll put a sponge over it soon if i decide to run it again..pantyhose will save them from getting chewed up, b ut they could still get stuck to it i think.......two are still pregnant, so i'll have doubled my stock in the tank in the snap of a finger,lol