New Eel Pics......Green Monster


Well he is not really a monster yet...but he sure isa i decided to buy a small green moray and put him in with my titan trigger instead of opting to put him in with the tessa the dragon and the zebra due to the fact he is to small to hold his i took some pics for you guys to look at and i was hoping someone with there green moray could post some pics and share some stories......also i got new moon lights for my 125 ill post some pics last thing....... i live in tampa .....and i think i am going out to the beach to go collect my own rock and cure it....does anyone ever do this?.......does anyone have a method that works pretty Good?.......Let me know than ks guys



Doc dont worry he will be a monster soon enough, mine was at 2.5 feet. Just make sure you dont have any beat up fish in there. I had a 3 inch argus grouper in there which he once bit, in mistake for food. The grouper was the eels breakfast the next morning

Just don't put anything small with, and you will be fine. (but it doesnt matter with triggers, they can hold there own.)
Good Luck with him!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Cartman101
you got a green moray!? Man your tank is BEYOND overstock!

i have 2 tanks brother


Originally Posted by Tome
Doc dont worry he will be a monster soon enough, mine was at 2.5 feet. Just make sure you dont have any beat up fish in there. I had a 3 inch argus grouper in there which he once bit, in mistake for food. The grouper was the eels breakfast the next morning

Just don't put anything small with, and you will be fine. (but it doesnt matter with triggers, they can hold there own.)
Good Luck with him!!!!!!!

i am more worried for the green moray's safety he is in with a titan trigger.......his skin is as tuff as leather and he is meaner then any moray i have ever seen....but so far they life each other.... the trigger sleeps on top of the eel


How big is the trigger with the green moray i cant really tell by the pictures the tanks look great by the way :happyfish


Originally Posted by swfishonly
How big is the trigger with the green moray i cant really tell by the pictures the tanks look great by the way :happyfish
he is just a juvi.... but he is about as big as a full grown dwarf lion


Once again, very impressive Doc. I can't wait until in a few years when you post pics of a 400g :cheer: all eels lol. I wouldn't be surprised if you did. My eel tank is finally underway, the stand we made is done, it is in my computer room right now with the tank on it, we are probably adding water tonight, and it will be partly from my FOWLR, so the good bacteria will be in it and I should have my zebra in 90g in about a week if I had to guess if all goes well. My stand is going to have sliding doors!


can you tell me some stuff of how your morays behave together in a tank? (a green with a titan and a tesse,zebra and dragon)


Originally Posted by DAVE_15
can you tell me some stuff of how your morays behave together in a tank? (a green with a titan and a tesse,zebra and dragon)

sure what do you want to know.......specificly?


if they are docile or not... if there is any agression ... any agression with other fish other thank the eels and the green and titan...stuff like that


Our Undulated was in with a snowflake (approx.1') at the LFS. There was a pvc pipe in with them and they slept and sat together in the pipe. He was in there for quite a while before we purchased him. They got along fine.
I guess eels remind me too much of snakes, not that I don't like snakes, but all that I'm hearing about escaping eels, man are they sly or what? I wouldn't mind having a snowflake, (Ilike their coloring) but I would hate to lose one. That would be too much, considering how attached I am to our three triggers.
I hope that boom finds his eel. Peace.......Cindy