New equipment recommendation?


I have a set-up issue on my hands. Its a 29 gal bow front tank w/20 lbs sand, 20 lbs live rock. I started with a junk HOB filter and bought a new Emperor 280 (280 gph). I hear flow rate should be around 20% turnover every hour. Looks like Im still only halfway there if thats the case. The tank does look much clearer with the new filter on it though... Seems like the increased flow helped with anything building up on the LR.
Im also looking at buying an AquaC Remora or Nano. The Nano is rated at 5-25 gal and the remora is rated at I believe 70 gal. Would the Nano be fine or should I bump up to the larger Remora... Anyone know flow rates on these? Might also need to add a power head I guess.
As far as lighting is concerned the LFS steered me wrong and told me an 18w Power Glo light would be fine for soft corals. Im looking at also getting a Nova Extreme T-5 24" 96 Watt system with two Actinic and two 10K lamps w/lunar lights. I would put this on a timer. Will this be ok for lps/sps as well?


I have the remora pro and the return to tank gph is less than 100. I suspect the regular remora may be less. Do you have any powerheads? I would run 1 or 2 in addition to the regular remora skimmer and your emperor 280. I have two maxijets 900's in my 29. I like your setup.


Thanks for the help... I thought I should go big and play it safe but needed reassurance I guess.
No 92... I dont have any powerheads. I really havent even looked into the brand to buy yet. I do have a seahorse in this tank though but I hear you can hook powerheads to a spray bar to distribute flow. Hey, how turbulent is that Remora Pro 92? Dont need anything thats gonna kill the seahose.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
I have a set-up issue on my hands. Its a 29 gal bow front tank w/20 lbs sand, 20 lbs live rock. I started with a junk HOB filter and bought a new Emperor 280 (280 gph). I hear flow rate should be around 20% turnover every hour. Looks like Im still only halfway there if thats the case. The tank does look much clearer with the new filter on it though... Seems like the increased flow helped with anything building up on the LR.
Im also looking at buying an AquaC Remora or Nano. The Nano is rated at 5-25 gal and the remora is rated at I believe 70 gal. Would the Nano be fine or should I bump up to the larger Remora... Anyone know flow rates on these? Might also need to add a power head I guess.
As far as lighting is concerned the LFS steered me wrong and told me an 18w Power Glo light would be fine for soft corals. Im looking at also getting a Nova Extreme T-5 24" 96 Watt system with two Actinic and two 10K lamps w/lunar lights. I would put this on a timer. Will this be ok for lps/sps as well?
I don't know a whole lot about T5s, but 96W seems pretty low for SPS on a 29. No clams either. I am pretty sure there is no way it could grow acropora (type of SPS). Hopefully, some one will chime in on that. Definitely go with the larger skimmer! The nano I had sucked!


I really cant afford to go MH. What might be a cost effective alternative? I thought it WAS T-5 lighting... THX


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
I really cant afford to go MH. What might be a cost effective alternative? I thought it WAS T-5 lighting... THX
Shoot me an e-mail at How much are you planning on spending?


very little, if any, turbulance from the remora. I would think it would be fine with horses but I know nothing about seahorses. I'm interested to see how you will get 20x turnover in that small of a tank and not be too much for the seahorses though.


Thats why I'm on the boards 92!!! I've been asking myself that for awhile now. Dont they sell spraybars for powerheads? I could just angle the flow down the back of the LR and it should still allow slow areas in the front of the tank. I always hear the hype about slow moving water for horses, and I'm trying to acheive it, but mine will go swim in the outlet of the Emperor!?!? If thats the case anyway, how are other seahorse keepers providing sufficient filtration?
I think I'll not go too big on my lighting upgrade... maybe float around the 100W mark and stick with soft corals... Mushrooms and polyps I suppose. Im not trying to go over $150 in lighting GG. I've found the T5 for $130 and the Coralife Lunar Lite for $100... The coralive sports 34 more watts too...


I lived in buckhead but joined the Corps so now I'm stationed in Jacksonville, NC. I also lived in Kennesaw for awile. I couldnt possibly change my Location to here.... I miss Atlanta too much.