New ETSS Sump Buddy skimmer came today !!!


I took these this morning. SO about two fulll days of use.I have been running it a little low as not to overflow my waste container. So far so good.

not too bad imo. It pulling out alot it seems. I have about a half in of jusnk in my waste container too. THe collection cup will never get more in it due to the drain.


Active Member
looks like it is working really good, especially after only two days. You will see that in a couple of weeks, the foam will become more compressed and it will work even better and it will be more stable.
Seems like quite an improvement from the reef devil so far. I had the devil and got rid of it due to no stability. I really liked it, but it was sooo inconsistent for some reason. It was probably me though, as I cant keep my hands out of the tank....LOL


The only thing I thought was wierd was thet the guy from ae tech said they are getting there best performance from two large bioballs in the chamber. rather than the smaller ones. Why they send the small ones? hmmm
I guess time will tell. Still some microbubbles too. I fugure they should be gone in about a week.


Greetings Again

It looks like it is working very well - especially so soon after installation. Mine acted similarly in that it pulled a lot of stuff from the water very early (my tank was new and the rock was curing) and then didn't do much for a long period of time. I am now convinced that there was nothing wrong with the skimmer, it was simply that it pulled everything it could out of the water. I waited a long time before starting to stock anything more than a clean-up crew, but once the bio-load started to increase, the skimmer started working it's magic again.
My Reef Devil Deluxe is still a little more inconsistent than I would like, but the biggest problem with it has been me and my unrealisitic/newbie/need-to-learn-what-I-am-doing with it expectations

I didn't see it in the thread - what pump are you driving your skimmer with? I am using the CA1800 (the stock offering) on mine and wonder if I should move up...
Take Care


I am using the CA 2200. It was what the said I needed so I bought it along with the skimmer. They threw in the hose and clamps I needed as well to hook up the pump. They said I needed any pump that was between 700 and 900 gph. I am a fan of hte quiet one pumps but thought I would be better off using what they had. And they gave me a price break buying it all together. My tank has been set up for almost a year now. I just been learning a lot taking things slow.


New Member
I love how that fits in your sump could you show a full pic of your sump? and may I ask why you have a loop in your drain hose?


MOJO46825 - Greetings

I'm using the CA1800 pump and I, too, bought it with the skimmer. The Mag 7 was an upgrade option, but I went with the 1800. I'm not sure if there would be much difference in performance...
I just noticed that your location shows you are in Indiana. I'm in Anderson (we got 3"+ of snow last night - not a big fan of snow even though I have been here my entire life...)
Take Care


The loop in the drain has allowed me to make changes. I once I am happy with it I will hard plumb the drain in. But for now I keep using that dang ol flex hose. Maybe another month. I will takes some full sump shots this weekend and post them. Thanks.


New Member
How much do you like the new etss. buddy? I am setting up a 110 and got a asm G-2 and I must say I am not impressed with, even with a mesh mod and strieght in mod. but than again I have used mozzie and down draft on all my other tanks. once use to stripping the water corressing it aint the same. Hello all the Hoosier bro's


I will post some more pics here later tonight or by morningfor sure of whole sump. It is wworking better than expected. I have about an inch or so of skimmate in my waste collector. It hold just under a gallon. I did make a muffler for the inlet. It does suck in alot of air. 1/2 in poly line fitting inlet for air. I like It


Gere is the pic of it in my sump. This is a great skimmer so far. Been about a week now and I havet touched it since the first night. Working really well.
