New feather dusters


I was wondering is there any special care in keeping a feahter dusters alive?? Right now the feather duster is in my 29 gal with 20watts of flourecent lighting..Does feather duster perfer to live on liverock or in the sand???


Active Member
Originally Posted by 29galkid
I was wondering is there any special care in keeping a feahter dusters alive?? Right now the feather duster is in my 29 gal with 20watts of flourecent lighting..Does feather duster perfer to live on liverock or in the sand???
I spot feed mine phytoplankton with a turkey baster every now and then. I also keep a light flow of water over them so the feathers wave.
My dusters have attached themselves to rock, although my LFS keeps them in tanks where they just lay or sit in the sand and do their thing without a huge rock pile. I think my dusters seem to do better on the rock than in the sand.
Denise M.


I like mine better on rocks. And they attach very fast. Just lean them up next to one and in no time they are attached. Also I just feed the tank DT's and cyclopeeze for them and they seem to take in what they need.


well mine attatch on my liverock but i took him off and put it in the sand..Is it tokay if i dont feed them anything right now i dont have any food but flake food


just dont wait to long. it will help to wipe down the algea film that gets on our glass too. the powdery algea goes into the water and the filter feeders take it in.


I wouldn't want it to. They don't usually like something pushing and poking on it. I think it would stress it out.


I have 2 in my 29 they are under the live rock threre fethers come out that is about all you can see of them they moved themself into these postions. I never added any food for them. But i do use kent pla? somthing for the corals in there. Good luck they are fun to watch comeing out they remind me of a flower bluming.


how do you know if your feather duster is dieing? mine is not dieing but i wanna know if that happends i would know what the signs is


I've got one that threw its crown about two weeks ago. Been moving around the bottom since then. Waiting for a new crown and waiting for it to attach to something. On the other hand, he could be dying a slow death.