New find wanted to share


Active Member
Well, it's 8:45 at my LFS and they just finished upacking the new arrivals and to my surprise, I found this guy tucked in the back corner with a tomato clown peeking out. He just came in about 1/2 hour ago.
I am not sure how much the large guys go for but I have seen little baby rose bubbles for $90. I could not resist and had to buy. I have been keeping my eye out for a nice rose.



Active Member
Aww! How cute.
He's awfully big, squeezed into that. Hahahaha, that picture makes me giggle.
Cute fishies! <3


Active Member
Thank you. They have 2 bubbles to take care of. They do not feed this one but the green no problem.

If any of mine split, you can have one.


Active Member
8:45 am or pm? Was the store open that early/late? Where is it? I haven't been to any stores in plano, is that where it is? Nice bubble, just got a green one this week in irving. Wanted the rose, but my maroon doesn't care about the color, dove right in in less then 24 hrs


Active Member
Hey puffer,
8: 45PM. It is DNA in carrollton, they are open till 9pm. Hours are pretty cool.
There is one store in Plano that I have been to. It is small with a limited selection. I personally have not bought anything from them.
Thanks for the compliment on the bubble. That is what I like about maroons, when they see a bubble, their is no hesitation. Mine found both, in less then 1 minute and hosted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
HOLY S*(^&^%$
That's a huge clown.
She is 4 1/2" and the make is 2"

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
She is 4 1/2" and the make is 2"
So are mine. Right now, they are hosting a coral.


Active Member
She has grown about 1/4 inch over the past 6 months. The male has grown very little. They are cool fish to watch. No one can go near either one of those bubbles. Pretty funny to watch them defend their home.
My Des Jar was stung pretty bad on his side. Got to close....

Have any pics of yours?


Active Member
Great pics. Are your clowns aggressive, I keep reading that Maroons are but I never had any problems with them.

clown boy

Active Member
My maroons let my Tangs and Rabbitfish get close enough to brush against their home. I'm not sure how they would behave around other clownfish, though.


Active Member
Mine are pretty tame allowing other fish to get close. I did notice a little more protection after I added the rose. Now they have a green and rose to manage. All in all not bad. I think the smaller the tank the more aggression. :thinking: