New Firefish...


New Member
We have started a new Biocube 29 gallon tank. It has been cycling for 6 weeks. Our LFS has been assisting us with our tank and our parameters are good. We have a frogspawn and a grass coral in their. We also have snails and crabs. Last night we bought a Yellow Tang, Purple Dottyback and a Purple Firefish. We also got an ammenami. They all ate last night. This morning the firefish is hanging out under a rock he found last night. He did not come out to eat and he is not coming out from under the rock. He is still breathing and moving his tail a little bit. The tang would go down their and sit with him and the firefish would not move still.

What's going on with him?
Is this normal?
Is their anything we should looking for?


Keep an eye on it. Check for signs of ich and what not. It may just be stressed out from the move. Also, there is no way at all that you can keep a tang in a 29 gallon tank. They need a lot of space to swim, waay more than what you can provide in a 29 gallon.


And I assume you mean anemone when you said ammenami. An older more established tank is usually needed to sustain an anemone. They also usually need powerful lighting. Is the lighting you have powerful enough?


New Member
Okay. Our LFS is working with us and is going to take back the tang when he gets to big. I hope it is just signs of stress.


I ok I had firefish they are really shy and they won't go far from somewhere they can hide in p.s. if frightened they can jump . But otherwise they are beautiful fish


New Member
Yes that is what I meant sorry I'm new! We do have powerful enough lights. Our LFS has said we could have anemone. We do have powerful enough lights.


Make sure the anemone gets enough light because if they don't like the spot they will move and can sting your coral and fish also what kind of anemone is it


New Member
He gets enough light and current. He has stayed in the same spot since we put him in. He is also a rosebud amenome.


Active Member
Hello there.... I'm sorry to say this but I think you've made some typical mistakes here. After your tank has cycled, you generally want to add a single fish and monitor the water parameters to make sure the tank can handle fish. A couple weeks later you try another fish and monitor again, (and so on). Stocking the tank that quickly is a typical rookie mistake and generally leads to poor results. As each fish is added, the tanks bacteria and mini ecosystem have to develop to handle additional fish waste.
The tang and anemone (unless you have metal halide lights) are not suitable in your tank. Unfortunately most new hobbyists make this mistake early on... And it can be a costly lesson when you're losing fish on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
Ok we all know the tang is too big for a 29. So I won't ride u on that lol. I have the same fish tho in my tank. The fire fish are skittish at first. I hardly see my purple lol. The tang and my fox scare him. Neither is agreessive towards him. Its just little fish syndrome lol over time they will adjust. But once u remove the tang you will see the fire out more. Mine is cool w clowns but if the tang or fox gets to close into its rock it goes lol