New fish -- Clown Tang


Active Member
I have 4 tangs now... I have a yellow tang and yellow belly blue hippo in one tank and these in another. I'm going with the rule of keeping different color/body shaped tangs together but so far everyone gets along fine.


Active Member
I do in the future want a 300+ gallon tank with all 4 tangs in and have a SPS/LPS tank with those guys roaming around. I say 300+ as the next place I move into I'm putting in as large of a footprint as possible in.



Originally Posted by jackri
It'll be living with a sailfin which is descent size and 2 clowns.
If you pick one up make sure it is plump and healthy. It may take them awhile to start eating and one of the harder tangs to care for from what I've read with higher than average moratality rates.
Very Very cool fish though -- very shy and timid yet but awesome color and so far really healthy.
Hate to admit it but my frag tank is also my quarantine tank --- bare bottom and I refuse to add chemicals anyways but the tunze provides awesome current for swimming in
(another thing I've read they like) and the sailfin and clowns love to surf in it but then relax in a calm spot then go back to surfing.
Also the larger you can get your tang the better -- last time I went too small and when he didn't eat it just compounded his chances of survival IMO.
Current is what alot of people miss in hard to care for tangs. Looks like you have a nice group. I havn't kept a clown tang yet but they look very nice. I have also been digging your frag tank. I also run a 12" deep frag tank and love it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
Very Very cool fish though -- very shy and timid yet but awesome color and so far really healthy.
Hate to admit it but my frag tank is also my quarantine tank --- bare bottom and I refuse to add chemicals anyways but the tunze provides awesome current for swimming in (another thing I've read they like) and the sailfin and clowns love to surf in it but then relax in a calm spot then go back to surfing.
Also the larger you can get your tang the better -- last time I went too small and when he didn't eat it just compounded his chances of survival IMO.
the stuff in red. why?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jetskiking
Current is what alot of people miss in hard to care for tangs. Looks like you have a nice group. I havn't kept a clown tang yet but they look very nice. I have also been digging your frag tank. I also run a 12" deep frag tank and love it.
I have a little work to do in the frag tank, adding the K4 will give even more flow to the tank that I think some of the corals need and I have some rearranging and cleaning up to do. Always something going that keeps me busy though it seems. I love having a shallow water tank that only my hands get wet in instead of my arms, shoulder, shirt, etc


Originally Posted by jackri
I have a little work to do in the frag tank, adding the K4 will give even more flow to the tank that I think some of the corals need and I have some rearranging and cleaning up to do. Always something going that keeps me busy though it seems. I love having a shallow water tank that only my hands get wet in instead of my arms, shoulder, shirt, etc

Thats also alot of the reason I love the shallow tank. Its easy to get in and out of plus I can keep my par high with lower wattage.

pastor b.

It is said that Clown tangs are very difficult to keep,but I brought mine when it was only 2.5", and that was over 4 years ago. Now its nearly 8.5"in my 150 gallon aquarium,and as it grows,it becomes more aggressive. However,for coloration,it's a beautiful fish. Whenever my Ct gets in an aggressive mood,its head turns dark looking like veins,then it swims wildly as if to say to the other fish get out of my way.