new fish dying old fish doing great???


I'am stumped? every time I add new fish to my 90 gal reef they do great for about two weeks and then start to die. But all the fish I have had in there for months are doing great. I allways follow acclamation procedures and all my water readings are outstanding Its allways the new additions. Any suggestions?


Active Member
you know ive had the same experience with my last few fish.... my tanks been up and running for over 2 and a half years its 100 gallon reef full of softies lps sps and a clam with 150lbs lr all water is perfect and i have mh lighting with a chiller
i have a hippo tang a tomato clown fuzzy dwarf lion a few damsils an engineer goby a siscor tail goby a ribbon eel and lots of other inverts
the last 2 fish i added died after a week and im not sure y id like to hear some other peoples thoughts... and i also followed all acclimation procedures as well as possibly could... im not sure if my other fish stressed them out too much or the hole reef setup has something to do with it but im confussed too


Active Member
I had that problem a couple of months ago, I figured that it was because I maxed out on fish. I think Maybe it could be when you have to many fish and not enough homes for each. You can also check you salinity and water parameters.


I think the maxed out with two many fish is what I was thinking ,its like the old fish have adapted well and the new fish get to stressed out. I saw that you should change the rocks around but I dont want to mess anything up. Right now I have 12 small reef fish in a 90 gal tank that includes three cleaner shrimp.


Active Member
Yeah, When I had maxed out on fish at like 5 or 6 decent size fish for my 50 gallon, the new fish all started dying, but when one of the old fish died in my tank, I replaced it and that fish did just fine. hope i didnt confuse you :thinking: