hey im getting a 72 gal BF and i am going to make it a swim tank so there wont be any corals just crushed coral and live rock and i want to make it a semi-aggressive, but beautiful fish. I was think a skimmer, canister, and a few powerheads would be adiquite filteration and i want to get a clean up crew such as peppermint shrimp and a few brittle stars and crabs and snails. For the fish i was hoping a nano tang and a clown trigger along with some clownfish and another big beautiful fish like an angel. I know that the triggers r aggressive but if i can get all of my fish at 3" when i introduce them to eachother i am hoping they will be fine with eachother by the time they get bigger. BTW can a protien skimmer be just by itself or does it have to be with a sump?