new fish for new tank


hey im getting a 72 gal BF and i am going to make it a swim tank so there wont be any corals just crushed coral and live rock and i want to make it a semi-aggressive, but beautiful fish. I was think a skimmer, canister, and a few powerheads would be adiquite filteration and i want to get a clean up crew such as peppermint shrimp and a few brittle stars and crabs and snails. For the fish i was hoping a nano tang and a clown trigger along with some clownfish and another big beautiful fish like an angel. I know that the triggers r aggressive but if i can get all of my fish at 3" when i introduce them to eachother i am hoping they will be fine with eachother by the time they get bigger. BTW can a protien skimmer be just by itself or does it have to be with a sump?


ok first i would pass on the cc and so a dsb...most who use cc regret it later (plus the dsb will help with filtration), plus after a few months the nice white cc won't look so nice anymore...then since your getting lr and a skimmer anyway you could pass on the canister
second the clown trigger will outgrow a 72 and will also probably eat alot of your cleanup crew...also it would probably eat your clownfish...
you could put a dwarf angel species, like a flame or coral beauty, but many of the others would need a larger tank.
i'm quessing you meant naso tang which also would need a larger tank...
as far as the ps you don't need a can get one of the hang on types...


well im gunna go with a naso tang because they r my favorite, and instead of clown trigger what about a Humu Humu Trigger?
what does this mean: dsb?



Originally posted by Velocity
well im gunna go with a naso tang because they r my favorite, and instead of clown trigger what about a Humu Humu Trigger?
what does this mean: dsb?

if your getting a naso just keep in mind that your 72 is not big enough...i think the recomended min. is like 125...
also if the naso is your favorite but you also really want a trigger i would suggest the blue throat/jaw trigger which is one of the less aggressive triggers...
dsb is a deep sand bed which is anywhere from 4-6 inches deep...aside from giving the tank a nice look it, along with lr, will act as a biological filter...


ok so i will go with that trigger and a naso tang as the main fish and some domino damsels, clowns, flame angel, and a few starfish and shrimp and crabs and snails and lr.


have you decided on a tank size???
and even though the blue throat is less aggressive than other triggers it will still probably still eat some of your clean up crew...


I must ask....
Why do you seek advice and then refuse the answers given?


Why do you seek advice and then refuse the answers given?
i dont.
the picasso trigger is suppose to be semi aggressive. and i have seen full grown naso tangs do well in a 80 gal aquarium. now if i cant have these other fish then what fish can i have? the naso is the fish that is staying. what other fish can i put then.


These Herbivores (vegetarians) are quite safe to keep in a tank with most inverts, and are good fish for reef tanks with corals.
that is info i have found about the naso tang.
They show little interest in them, so you can keep shrimp and hermit crabs with little concern.

Juveniles are commonly kept in 60 gallon aquariums which is usually okay since the fish grows rather slowly.
i can keep a naso tang in a 72 till it gets about a foot, and that takes many years for it to grow that big.


yeah i know all that bio stuff. ok so i will go with that trigger and a naso tang as the main fish and some domino damsels, clowns, flame angel, and a few starfish and shrimp and crabs and snails and lr.
It seems as though you don't want to listen to advice, that will help you in the time being and the future. You want a domino damsel, well they happen to be one on the MOST aggressive little fish out there. It will nip off fins of your fish, and harass the heck out of them. I'm sorry but a Naso tang is just too big for you, either get a much bigger tank or don't get the fish. Your choice of trigger is also not adviced, they also happen to be very messy and mean. A flame angel is fine, but it is a sensitive fish and your tank needs to have been set up for some months before it can be introduced. Starfish are also sensitve, just stick with the snails and crabs.
When you start adding fish add only one every couple of weeks to months. They should not be added all at once and your tank needs to have been well cycled before then. You need to look at the well being of the fish here, they are expensive and many are taken from the ocean. By not doing things right the first time you are in for a very expensive learning experience. We are only trying to help you make the right decisions to have a healthy tank and fish.


I see you have a 120 fw tank, am I correct. Convert that into a sw and then you can have your Naso tang


no i cant thats the prob. forget the naso tang then. What would be a good combo of fish that would go in this tank? thats all i need, what fish . Want rather nig fish but not too big and semi aggressive- to peaceful.


Well there are many smaller fish that you could do that are colorful. Maybe start out with a clown, or a more peaceful damsel, like a yellowtail. After that something with a lot of color would be the royal gramma, or the orchid dottyback. I just got one of those and it is a great fish. Then after the tank has been set up for a couple of months add something else, like a small angel, you said a flame, sure or maybe a coral beauty. If you wanted something different you could add a valentini puffer. That could be your tank set up right there, and it would be very interesting.
With the puffer, just make sure you watch it with inverts, they may become a snack. If you don't want the puffer, a goby of some sort would be fun or a hawkfish, just not with shrimp. Do some research and take it slow. Always ask, when you are unsure of something. I hope this helps. :silly:


Active Member
I agree that dsb w/b better then c/c but I have 2-55's w/ cc and they are abit more maintenance but do ok. Still if I had to do over would use dsb which is what I have in my other 2 tanks(125 and 55). Live rock is definately needed.
That said if I was starting a new 72 I would go with a couple of percs, royal gramma, falme hawk first. I would wait 5 months and add a coral beauty or flame angel, then to top it off would add a yellow tang. I know this is not semi aggressice but that's what I would do.
IMO a puffer is too messy and gets to big for a 72 .
Good luck whatever way you choose.