New fish for the tank


My yellow tang died a couple of days ago. Still not absolutely sure of the cause but I think he may have either been attached by my Picasso or he injured himself on some rocks when he was startled. Even the day before he was showing no signs of disease and was eating well and normal. I tested the water parameters and everything was fine (no ammonia or nitrites, 20ppm nitrates, salinity normal and stable, temp. warmer by about 2 degrees (79F)since the warmer weather is causing slightly higher tank temps).
Anyway I wanted suggestions on a replacement fish that would go well with my current setup. I have a 75g with wet/dry filtration and lots of rock (not yet lr). Current fish are Picasso, two striped damsels, and one domino. Tank is about 3.5 months old. Tank has been cycled for about 2 months now. Want something that will not get harassed too much my the trigger.

crazy bout salt7

New Member
seems liek u were goin more aggressive i dont think the yellow should of been there anyways. but i would say go with a snowflake like a 10 inch one or a nice size 3 inch niger trigger


What about a pair of clown. My friend used to keep 40 gal with picasso, yellow tang, tomato and damsels. Believe it or not they were fine. Now they all live in a 120 gal. Put a big ass maroon clown there. We'll see what happen.


One suggestion above was putting a niger in the tank. Would their be problems with the niger and the picasso fighting? I had thought about another trigger but thought that more than one in a 75g might cause problems between the two.
Any comments or your experiences with this type of setup would be appreciated.
thanks for the comments so far...very helpful.


Active Member
I have a vallentini puffer and a flame angel with my picasso. They a get along fine but the picasso is the smallest of the 3 right now.
The puffer is too cool. :)


Thanks for all the suggestions. I went to the lfs planning to buy a Niger but changed my mind and bought a Lunar Wrasse instead. He will definitely hold his own with the Picasso. When I put small pieces of shrimp in the tank the two regularly engage in tug-of-war. Other than at feeding time they seem to get along fine.