New Fish & Green Brittlestar


I'm looking to add two pecula clowns, six line wrasse, cleaner shrimp and two peppermint shrimp and maybe another small fish soon. Do I need to move my green brittlestar to the sump? I've been reading where they like to go after the smaller fish. Mine has been kind enough to dispose of my psudo, due to illness, but will feeding him krill keep his mind off the smaller fish? Opinions are welcome and appreciated.


Active Member
i keep mine satisfied with 1 krill a day and he hasn't looked twice at my chromis or pseudo although theyare cheating death by swimming through his legs when he is in that " I'm going to sit on you and eat you" pose,


Active Member
It is always a risk, but certainly not a guarantee. My very large green hasn't messed with the damsel in his 15g tank, and certainly isn't fed every day. But personalities vary, tanks vary...anything is possible. But definitely give it LR and stuff in the sump, otherwise, it would be nicer to trade it back in.


What part of Houston are you in? What LFS's do you frequent and buy from? I'm in Beaumont approximately 78 miles from the Bud plant. I make trips to Houston often, always looking for LFS that have good reps with the locals. Planning a trip soon just to hit the LFS, any suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
I am biased on that question because I used to work at Aquarium World on 290 and Hollister.
However, I also go to Fishland on Westheimer (almost at Hwy 6) in the windchimes shopping center.
Coming down Bellaire (gosh, I think it is Bellaire) there are a few starting at 59. Fish Ranch, Global, Another nameless one, and T and T at Hwy 6.
You can also go to the houston reefkeeping society page, which I think is or or some such thing. I believe they have a list of stores.


Active Member
My experience with green brittle was a disaster. Ate all my shrimp and a small neon goby. I'd never have another brittle star, but that's just me. As Susan said; you never know what one will do and for what they give in return............
Good Luck!