New fish Ideas!!


Hi, I have a 40 gal with 50lbs. of lr .It has been established for 4 years now.I have one false percula clown,firefish,coralbandit shrimp,add a clean-up crew.I wanted to and another fish and some more inverts.Do you guys have any suggestions? I wanted to get another clown but i don't want the clown i have now to beat the hell out of it.
thanks, J.
330 bio-wheel
CPR Bak Pak protien skimmer
2 maxi jet power heads


Active Member
Bag the clown idea. Your clown is too used to being solitary to be nice.
Get some star fish - Green Brittles/Serpent stars like to eat right out of your hand. i fyou have low nitrates add a feather duster or two.
Try keeping some Mushroom Corals (keep these on top of the rock structure) and they should do nicely.
How about some Sally Lightfoot Crabs - two a male/female set. Even some emerald crabs are cool too.
Heck add some urchins - they pose zero effect on the biofilter.
I am starting to prefer the inverts over the fish lately anyway.