New fish suggestion


Just lost my clown goby and want to replace it with another fish (47g tall). Currently I have 2 Perc. Clowns and a 4 striped Damsel
My only concern is the Damsel. When I added the goby. The Damsel was kind of an bully. After a few weeks, the damsel accepted or tolerated the goby and all was fine.
I really don't think the goby is a victim of foul play.
Any suggestions for another fish. That would hold his own with the damsel?

noah's nemo

I'd get a flame hawk
,he won't take no stuff from that damsel(atleast mine doesn't,and i love mine),or maybe a royal gramma,i think he'll hold his own too.

noah's nemo

Originally Posted by J.P
how do flame hawks or lng nose hawks do with shrimp and clams?
My flame has not touched my peppermints or cbs(they were in before him),I added a skunk cleaner and a couple days later, gone
.I think he thought it was food for him.I've heard that this is how they are.They will leave things alone if they are already in the tank.Probably a risk no matter what though.


Active Member
sixline wrasse will problably hold his own..but maybe its not the could be the 2 true perc clown..they can be mean in a small tank..

scuba diva

I have a Royal Gramma that holds his own w/everyone in the tank! He also gets the most compliments from visitors, due to his bright colors!