new fish suggestions

hi everyone. i want to add some new fish and different. i really wanted a powder blue tang and purple tang but i've been reading on here and am not to sure now. i have 2 lfs's telling me it would be ok and some on here say that to but then alot others say no. my tank is a 90 gal. the fish i have now are a yellow tang (3"), 2 true percs, abile angel(2"), i want some different colors. appreciate the help. and also is a jebo 180 protien skimmer a good one right now i have an excaliber(rated for up to a 90) the jebo has a 275gph pump.


Active Member

You can check out
Anthias, colorfull, active, reef safe, should have several, most are hardy
Chromis, sameasabove, I dont beleive the percs will bother them
Some wrasses, but not with some gobies or blennies, some do some dont
Blennies and Gobies, but not with some wrasses :)
Maybe a foxface rabbit
If your willing to take the chance and do it right you could try another tang of the more small, hardy kind, Purple, Kole, another Yellow. In a 90gl, 2 or 3 of these ( can/has )worked. But of course, no garrentees.


I like firefish, orchid dottybacks, citrine clown gobies, green reef chromis (they look awesome as a school), sixline wrasses, and assuming you can maintain one, a psychadelic mandarin.
I like colorful fish, too. :)
so it would work with just a yellow tang and a purple tang and some smaller fish. this one lfs told you shoud put 1 or 3 or more tangs not just 2. does anyone agree with this?


New Member
Hi,I am new to this Board ,I have been reading your post and I have been told for years NEVER mix a yellow and Purple!
So if you do I think will fight til death,You should pick 2 different body types.
I hope this helps good luck! Cherie