New Fish Suggestions


Its been a while since I was on here and havn't spent much time on the SWF Forum... My aquarium has been pretty much on autopilot, with normal water changes and Water quality tests and such. Aquarium has been up and going now going on 3 years (in Jan)
I currently have (2) O.Clownfish, (1) Flame Angel, (1) Purple Firefish, (1) Diamond Headed Goby...
I have a few different Mushroom Corals (most of which are Hairy Mushroom, which spread like weeds).
46 Gal Bow, with a ton of Rock and "very good' Water conditions all the time...
Any suggestions for another fish?


I would suggest a wrasse of some kind, like a six line or fairy wrasse. Most wrasses are very colorful and peaceful and there are lots that don't get that large. They are an interesting fish to watch, always swimming in and out of the rocks


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesshika
I would suggest a wrasse of some kind, like a six line or fairy wrasse. Most wrasses are very colorful and peaceful and there are lots that don't get that large. They are an interesting fish to watch, always swimming in and out of the rocks

Hi I think I would go with a small flasher wrasse would be best as the sixline that I had for years killed a royal gramma and a flasher wrasse when I put them in the tank. I have read other threads where they had mean sixlines even though most sites call them peaceful....ha ha. Lesley