New Fish Suggestions

I have two False Percula Clownfish two hermit crabs and two turbo snails in a 55 FO, I'm trying to pick my next fish what would you suggest? I have no live rock so i think angles and butterflies are out and i would like one that isnt to prone to ich or ick. I would like something with a color other than orange maybe blue or red and i dont want a damsle. any suggestions would be great.


I have a blue tang and he is pretty cool (and colorful) peaceful and fun to watch. He is prone to ick, but a cleaner shrimp will take care of that.


New Member
The flame hawkfish is a very striking red color. Stays near the bottom, lower that the clownfish will tend to spend their time. I have always liked them but haven't had one. I have a longnose hawk. Neat fish but not as brightly colored as the flame.


Active Member

If you decide to add a dwarf angel then make sure you previde of algea and the food for angels that contains sponge.

these are fish I like in a 55gal:
Fuzzy dwarf lion
Chalk Basslet
Arabian blueline dottyback, others are coloreful also, just pic one tho
royal gramma, one of my faves, only one and not with dottyback
I like the Banggai cardinal best, but you can do PJ's
a few hogs to pick:twinspot,Diana's
wrasses:snooty Maori,fairy, flasher, golden,sixline
Blenny's: Highfin, Midas, etc
Gobies: one of the shrimp gobies, raiford's, yellow clown,
I like the red firefish, purple are colorful,
zebra dart goby
No tangs for 55g.
Just put together the fish you like and post again to help narrow down or make sure on compatibility.

Is there a reason you don't plan on adding LR?


Active Member
maybe a bi-color blenny or royal gramma.
Can I ask why you dont have any live rock? Do you have placed for fish to hide?
I do plan to add live rock i'm making my own then i'm going to seed it with bought cured rock the rock that i'm making has to cure for at least 6 weeks before i can add it to my tank. I do have a place for the fish to hide my hubby wanted a sunken ship so they have that for now and i'll pile my rock around it when its ready how disease prone are the fish on the list above?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz

If you decide to add a dwarf angel then make sure you previde of algea and the food for angels that contains sponge.

these are fish I like in a 55gal:
Fuzzy dwarf lion
Chalk Basslet
Arabian blueline dottyback, others are coloreful also, just pic one tho
royal gramma, one of my faves, only one and not with dottyback
I like the Banggai cardinal best, but you can do PJ's
a few hogs to pick:twinspot,Diana's
wrasses:snooty Maori,fairy, flasher, golden,sixline
Blenny's: Highfin, Midas, etc
Gobies: one of the shrimp gobies, raiford's, yellow clown,
I like the red firefish, purple are colorful,
zebra dart goby
No tangs for 55g.
Just put together the fish you like and post again to help narrow down or make sure on compatibility.

Is there a reason you don't plan on adding LR?

If you are refering to these, they are pretty hardy.