New fish suggestions


Active Member
i have a 75 gallon mixed reef setup. Currently have a yellow watchman goby, sixline wrasse, 2 false percs and a royal gramma. What are a few other fish that would be cool in this tank? I was thinking a type of anthia? what kind of fish have you had in your reef tank that are a nice addition?


In your tank I would think a hippo or kole tang would be cool. Maybe some black clownfish. There are a lot of options =]


Active Member
I would not add a tang to a 75 gal. There are plenty of other fish that would mix well
fairy wrasse would be nice-though not sure with a 6 line??
firefish goby
bi-color blenny
pygmy angel


I think i would do mostly small fish,maybe a school? anthias is great but they have to be fed often ,instead of a tang i would put a foxface,a lot of people here have them in reef and they are peacefull and make a great "wow fish"since 75 is on the smaller side for a tang.


Active Member
some type of dwarf angel if u wanna take the risk..i have a bicolor angel that i love and leaves my corals alone...but i've only had him for 3 months so i still have to keep an eye on face are nice but they get kinda large and u already have a good amount of fish in there already...