New fish this weekend


Active Member
OK here is the deal with the tank. Cycled day 27. 75 gallons, 0 am, 0 ites, 0 ates, sg 1.024, PH 8.2, Alk normal (my test kit gives no # reading for this just low, high, normal)
Tank already has a blue damsel, yellow tail damsel and coral shrimp. The damsels aggression has been has been quite limited to non existent (nothing compare to the abject aggression I am use to with the cichlids). Eight turbo snails. Three unidentified crab HHs. May have a problem with these guys, they look like stone crabs that came in with some cheap Florida LR. They seem to be grazing on the algae on the live rock for now but if they are stone crabs they will eventually have there eye on the snails. They are said not to attack fish.
Thought I would let the group here decide what fish to add this Sunday. Maybe something other than the obligatory clown fish, though that may be a good idea for such a young tank. Substrate is cc so any diggers is probably a bad idea also,


How about a Pseudochromis Diadema (it's where I got my name :))
Otherwise known as dottyback.
Stay clear of the purple/strawberry dottyback... But most of the others are pretty tame.