New fish to ad


Hello, I am thinking of adding just one more friend to my 40 gal f/o. I currently have 1 yellow tang (about 3 in.), 1 marron clown (small), 1 clarki clown (small), cleaner shrimp, some crabs and 3 turbos. I use a cpr2 bakpak and c/c substrate. All readings have been perfect and tank is almost 2 yrs old. Fish have been with me 4-9 months, with the tang being the oldest. Any thoughts? Thanks! :)

nm reef

Active Member
personally I'd look for a larger tank.....move the tang ....then consider additions to both.....sounds a lil on the full side for a its nice though......


I would have to agree with NM reef I think you would be doing the tang a big injustice if you leave him in that size tank, it might be working for now but in a little while he will be cramped. Tangs need alot of room to swim, they love to do that. You could add a six line or a pigmy angle, they would do well in a tank that size. Good Luck
i wouldnbt call it a injustice but just look to buy a bigger tank, because those fish get to big for the tank well the tang anyways.
Your tank is a little overcrowded. BUT, if you want to get a new fish I would get a coral beauty. Very pretty, pretty hardy, and stay small.


i must be wierd or something but i dont think your tank is overcrowded at all. i think you could safely add another fish. from what ive read most people wouldnt keep a tang in a 40 gallon because they like to swim too much. but since i only have a 37 gallon tank ive never had a tang. but as a suggestion i just got a blue spotted watchman goby. he is starting to turn orange and his blue spots are really cool, and his personality is the best.


Thanks for all your info. I knew that I would be told about the yellow tang, I guess that's why I haven't added anything yet. I realize that he is going to have to go soon. My brother-in-law has a 90 (?) bow front reef that he is tiring of.....I might be talking him into letting me have it. Then I wouldn't have my tang problem. Anyway thank you again and keep up the suggestions your varied ideas in help are awesome!!!!! :) ;)