New Fish!!!!


Well, here is Gimli, my new tomato clown!! He's so totally cool, after about 30 seconds or so of hiding between the rocks to get his bearings, he owns the tank now! Too docile to hurt my bicolor psuedochromis, but way to big to take any crap from him. I did a lot of research and i think this was the best choice I could make.
Let the pictures do the rest!


I had a cool cinnamon named bobo for a while, but he died the other day from a skin eating disease in the water??? I dont know what it was, but I felt so bad for him. I wanted to put him in the 120 with the uv sterilizer going, but the lion woulda eaten him anyway, and i didnt want my LION getting that disease. He owned the tank too, a 20 gallon. They are neat fish and will eat just about anything, lol. Mine was a pig.


sory about your loss, my LMB died recently and I know how it feels

Yeah, Mine is doing this weird behavior, he always swimps up and down the corner of the tank in the front, perhaps trying to get out?
Anyway, he eats like brine shrimp is going out of style:jumping: