Active Member
My new 125g finished it cycle last week, I moved my fish, coral beauty, firefish, 2 percula clowns, 1 green chromis (couldn't catch the other one yet) and blue hippo from my 29g. My blue hippo was moved on Monday all by herself with lights off until Thursday. She was showing signs of HLLE in the 29g. She is not completely better but looks much much better. I then moved the other fish on Friday night. Testing every day and all reading stayed at (ammo 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, Ph 8.2). I haven't experienced an ammo spike as yet from adding the fish. I did add 2 serpent starfish last night as they didn't come in my cleanup crew I ordered from here. My question: How long should I wait before adding more fish? How many can I or should I add at a time? I'd would eventually like to add a sixline wrasse, sailfin algea blenny (lawnmower?), sleeper gold head goby, foxface, and blue linka starfish. Thanks for your help.