new fish


i was gone on a trip for two weeks and my uncle took care of my aqrium before i left i had 1 green chromis and 1 bicolor blenny and when i come back i find that he has gotton me some fish as a suprise the were 2 false percula clownfish ,4 yellow tail blue damsels i heard damsels can be aggressive do you think theyll be a problem?
The new fish do look great in the tank though


i came home at like 2 oclock this mourning and so far today it looks like all the fish are swiimming in the open non of them are hiding but the bicolor blenny in his normal cave like he always does the other fish look like there are okay but when another fish gets to close to a damsel the damsel well sprint foward for about an inch but not bite the fish and the other fish well swim away


I'd try to get rid of the damsels. That's kind of a small tank for that many fish.