new fish



Ok so I got rid of the purple pseudo and theyellow wrasse died.
I have a percula clown and a bangaii cardinal.
What other pretty looking fish can I add that aren't going to put a dent in my wallet? Should I put another wrasse or are they touchy? I was thinking about a gramma but what else is pretty colorful and hardy?
On this sight if you order fish is there a minimal price?


Yes, the yellow wrasse are very sensitive. The royal grammas I would recommend because they are much more hardy than the wrasse, but first of all what size is your tank, and how long has it been setup for?
I don't think there is a minimum price on the site.


Active Member
Livestock has a min. $79 on this site. I second a Royal Gramma, love mine. But what size is your tank?


aw really there is a minimum now? I don't remember there being a minimum when I bought from this site, although that was a long time ago


my tank is a 24 gal nano cube. Im not trying to add too much. The tank has been set up for about a month or two.
What happenned was the pseudo became way aggressive and killed the wrasse but the other to are happy and doing fine
LFS said to keep around 4-5 fish... too much?
and yes there is plrenty of hiding spots (the pseudo wanted all of them)


I think 4-5 fish is a bit much for a 24 gal. 2-3 very small fish I would say is the max. Since the tank is still new, fish should be added very slowly otherwise it will be too much for the bio load. The tank has just recently cycled right? How long have the fish been in the tank for? Wait a while before you add anything else and let the tank establish more. You can get an ammonia spike if you add too much to early to a tank that new.


nice haha... they have been in there a week.
Can i even put any coral or anemones in the future?
i can definately tell my LFS is just trying to make the sale...


yea LFS are always just tryin to make a sale, unless you have known them to be true experts and trust their knowledge. I have learned not to trust most pet stores
If you have the right lighting, then you can have anemones eventually. Do you know what kind of lighting you have?


I have a JBJ Lighting 24G NANO cube. It comes with 2 36 watt CF lamps. So overall 72 watts of compact fluorescent lighting (ha compied from the webside)... i get mixed responses on the anemone... I just want something for my clown eventually....
I just need some help because of differences in opinion on websites overall.


I've had trouble getting perculas to host an anemone, because most of them are tank raised so they will not usually go into an anemone. My clarkii clowns always go in anemones. My favorite anemone for them is the sabae. Some people say the sabaes are hardy and some don't think they are, but in my experience with them, they are the easiest anemone I've had yet, besides the condi.


Active Member
I agree, 3 small fish is probably all you want in that tank. As far as corals, if you have the right lighting you can fill it up, keeping in mind some corals don't like touching each other, so fraging may be in your future. As far as an anemone, you might run into the problem with it moving and destroying your corals, happens a lot. Plus, they need bright lighting. Also, just because you get one, does NOT mean your clowns will host it or that it will even stay put so you can see it. I bought a BTA and my clowns still won't go near it, it has since split so now I have two, BUT they are both in the back of my tank so you can't even see them unless you lean over and look from the side.
Get yourself a torch.


ok and one more question. i have a tiny bit or brown algae growing on my LR. I got 2 pepermint shrimp but they dont clean any of it. What else could i put to eat that stuff? Hermit crabs??


The brown algae is most likely diatoms. You get it at the end of the cycle. And yes snails and hermits will eat it. I would recommend the cerith snail, they will specifically go after the diatom algae and won't fall off the glass as easily as the turbo snails. I've had a lot of problems with losing turbos because they can't turn themselves over if they fall.


its not on the glass at all... its just on the rocks so a snail wont do much will it? So I'll see if i can get some crabs to help the shrimp out
Thanks for your help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jamiegrl
its not on the glass at all... its just on the rocks so a snail wont do much will it? So I'll see if i can get some crabs to help the shrimp out
Thanks for your help!
I had a lot of diatoms in my tank, added lot of cerith snails and nassarius snails and then three emerald crabs. A week later my diatoms was gone. IMO the cerith snails did most of the work, even on the rocks.
I didn't add hermit crabs to my DT, because I didn't want them to kill my snails, for their shells. I keep some hermits in my sump.


My cerith snails actually seem to like cleaning the rock more than the glass, I see them on the rocks all the time. But yea, the hermits will sometimes kill the snails if you don't have any empty shells for them.