new fish

i didn't get my water tested in a while so i got one last week and here are my readings:
then today i got another test:
my tank is a 60 gal running untill 07 aug, i have live sand and 90 pounds of live rock,all i have are a couple of sps and a diamond goby and two fire shrimp.As for filtration i have coralife 65 super skimmer which am up grading big time and a eheim wet/dry(bigest one), and a emp 400.My tank has been cycled with many fish which died due to nitrite rising to high, so im wondering if it would be safe two put new fish.
p.s i did a 20% water change after my last water test.


Originally Posted by angel-lover14
i didn't get my water tested in a while so i got one last week and here are my readings:
then today i got another test:
my tank is a 60 gal running untill 07 aug, i have live sand and 90 pounds of live rock,all i have are a couple of sps and a diamond goby and two fire shrimp.As for filtration i have coralife 65 super skimmer which am up grading big time and a eheim wet/dry(bigest one), and a emp 400.My tank has been cycled with many fish which died due to nitrite rising to high, so im wondering if it would be safe two put new fish.
p.s i did a 20% water change after my last water test.
I wouldn't until you get your ph up and nitrite and nitrate to 0. Good luck
thanks for the help and im going to get another water test tom but im wondering,shouldn't a water change raise the ph...if not is somthing that i can get that will raise it?Help would be great

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by angel-lover14
thanks for the help and im going to get another water test tom but im wondering,shouldn't a water change raise the ph...if not is somthing that i can get that will raise it?Help would be great
Angel..I would test the water that you are putting in the tank to make sure your pH is 8.2-8.4 range.
Also, you can raise the pH of the water with a buffering solution. Like Seachem 8.3 or proper pH 8.2.
You mentioned upgrading/upsizing the CCS 65 skimmer. I think that is a great idea and may help with your nitrites/nitrates.
If you have had past trouble with nitrates you may also consider an in the tank refugium with some Chaeto.
thanks for all the help but ill go tomorrow and see how my waters are and if my ph is still low ill see if i can get some buffering
i went to big als today and my water was perfect so i decided to get two fish i had on hold.The first one is a blue face angelfish, and the second is a blue angelfish.Ill try and get pics soon


Its only a 60gallon??? That is no were near big enough for large angels. sorry


Active Member
I agree with the above poster and those 2 angels probably won't get along in your tank :(
Maybe try something smaller, and just adding 1 fish at a time if you're having nitrate issues allready.
Good luck :)
the first two days i had the blue face he was so active and ate right after i put him in qt(a lot too) but today he dosen't look so good he is swimming in one spot and not eating anymore any he had some white spots(dosen't look like ick) so i dimmed the lights and he looks a little bit better but still isn't eating.when i bought him they had the lights very low does this have somthing to do with it,if so why was he eating so godd and stop all of a sudden.I had another fish in the qt with him a blue angel and he prob was the most active fish i ever seen. he ate soo good i can't even tell you,the first day and he ate from my hand! All of a sudden he dyed! I saw that both fish were eating the ----(pardon my French) from a dying gorgina(took it from dt to qt)...could this kill the blue angel and make this guy sick


Active Member
Please post your water levels . Actual numbers please and also if you could post a pic of the fish showing these spots this may help.
i got my water tested today but forgot the get the numbers but i'll get tham next time and as for pics i am having a hard time posting pics with my bad camera