New Fish!


Active Member
Haven't decided yet.
Right now, just the 3 are in my 90gal. I'm bringing over the 200gal, from my parents garage and am in the process of finalizing the deal on a 285gal, that's local.
Should have both the 200 and the 285 set up within the next two weeks. The three fish that I have now, and the 3 others I'm getting, will be divided up between the 200 and 285. I'm thinking of going full blown reef, with my 90gal.


I love Golden Puffers, and I hope to own one someday. I saw a huge specimen at a fish themed McDonalds in Orlando once, and it had the personality of a puppy begging for food. I hope that yours makes a full recovery, and I can't wait to see more pics.


New Member
hello everyone
I am the one who traded the crosshatch triggerfish, rhinopias, and x-mas island golden puffer for his supposed dragon moray. well it has been a month and i have not received anything. i am out the 100+ in shipping that I paid plus 3 weeks after i shipped him the fish he told me the rhinopias died. so now im out a rhinopias plus 100+ dollars. I shipped him all three fish via fedex on 6/11/08
here is the tracking
and the number is 7362 6126 2663
you can even see his signature
Can someone please help me. He does not respond to texts or return my phone calls. he has been promising my fish back or paying for them plus shipping but he has not done one single thing. i believe i have been scammed. my friend is a sheriff in hillsborough country here in tampa and i have already contacted him regarding this. this is over 1000 dollars in fish and if i don't get them back or receive proper compensation i will be pressing charges. this was supposed to be a nice even trade....guess that didn't happen. thank you


Originally Posted by ianbehnk
hello everyone
I am the one who traded the crosshatch triggerfish, rhinopias, and x-mas island golden puffer for his supposed dragon moray. well it has been a month and i have not received anything. i am out the 100+ in shipping that I paid plus 3 weeks after i shipped him the fish he told me the rhinopias died. so now im out a rhinopias plus 100+ dollars. I shipped him all three fish via fedex on 6/11/08
here is the tracking
and the number is 7362 6126 2663
you can even see his signature
Can someone please help me. He does not respond to texts or return my phone calls. he has been promising my fish back or paying for them plus shipping but he has not done one single thing. i believe i have been scammed. my friend is a sheriff in hillsborough country here in tampa and i have already contacted him regarding this. this is over 1000 dollars in fish and if i don't get them back or receive proper compensation i will be pressing charges. this was supposed to be a nice even trade....guess that didn't happen. thank you

....hopefully something just came up and everything will turn out OK...That is alot of $$ to trust to the honor system...


Active Member
IMO, the dragon should still be shipped. Unless there is some fault to ianbehnk for the rhino's death, which I can't see someone verifying after 3 wks. The only way I think one could back out of a deal is if the fish was DOA.
so imo, the trade should still be honored.


New Member
ya he informed me that the rhino died a week or so ago. plus he told me he would pay me for all the fish. i told him 650 plus shipping and that was an acceptable price....even though the fish are worth more. i would prefer to just have my puffer and my crosshatch back. he does not respond to phone calls or texts.


Active Member
I think you are being overly nice with that offer. I would say either full refund or the dragon. Why would you be responsible for the rhino? Not even stays responsible for them beyond 15 days.


Originally Posted by ianbehnk
ya he informed me that the rhino died a week or so ago. plus he told me he would pay me for all the fish. i told him 650 plus shipping and that was an acceptable price....even though the fish are worth more. i would prefer to just have my puffer and my crosshatch back. he does not respond to phone calls or texts.
I feel so sorry for you! I wish I could help.


Active Member
As I see, there are already some deleted posts here. I want to thank MichealTX for letting me have the chance to explain my side of the situation. Not all boards are ran as good as this one. On another forum, I already have people PMing, calling me names, telling that they live in IL too and are going to come to my house and kick my butt, etc.
Let's bring this whole thing up to speed, from the beginning...
I agreed to trade Ian the Dragon for the fish listed above. En route to shipping, MY fish that I've cared for, like my first born, for at least 7 years...died. So, there is no more Dragon.
I talked to Ian and explained that I could either send his fish back (after his Rhino died within a few days of me having it) or I could purchase the fish from him. He told me that he paid less than $200 for each fish, because he has his wholesaler liscense.
A few weeks ago, I became unemployed and let Ian know that I would not be able to purchase the fish. His response..."it's no big deal, me when you can...I understand". Then, less than a week later, it became "I changed my mind. I want my fish back." After numerous explanations that I don't even have two quarters to rub together (that's how broke I am), he said he'd pay to have them shipped back. Upon his insistance, I had to tear the whole tank apart, to get the fish out and bagged them for shipping. They were taken to Fedex, which was closed and then returned to my house. I immediately called Ian and let him know Fedex was closed. He said fine and wanted them shipped ASAP. They were returned to my tank and again, with constant insistance, the tank was torn apart again
to try to ship a few days later.
I was told, BY FEDEX, that with me being in a small town area that they would not guarantee overnight shipping, unless they were shipped Mon, Tues or Wed. The last attempt to ship was a Thurs. I explained that to Ian and his resolution was to call Fedex and then call me back to say that they would ship overnight. Call me stupid, but I'm gonna believe a Fedex employee when they're nice enough to say "Listen dude...if you ship these fish, today, we can't guarantee they'll get there overnight. They could end up sitting in a warehouse for 2 or 3 days, before they finish the trip and the overnight will turn out to be 5 - 7 days". 3 times, these fish were taken out of my tank and bagged, only to be returned to the tank. Needless to say, they were getting seriously stressed but yet, all I heard was "I want my fish back!"
I did not have a cell or the internet, at my house, because of the unemployment situation. I checked my voicemail, today and had at least 10 voicemails and even more texts..."I want my $600!...I want my fish back!..." and now, today..."I'm gonna call the FBI!"
To wrap this up...none of the fish are alive. Neither the Crosshatch or the Puffer recovered from the numerous times of being chased down, put in bags, driving around in a bumpy car, only to be returned to the same tank, later the same day. Both developed severe cases of ick and even after me staying up for almost 28 hours straight, one night, while starting hyposalinity, neither recovered.
I wish I would've never done business with you, at all. I'm out a fish that I invested 7 years with, let alone the fact that she was worth 10 times what you paid for those fish. Your constant insistance of trying to ship the fish is what killed them and why neither of us came out of this deal in good standing. You're acting like I stole the only fish you have, yet you always told me how you go and drop at least $1000 a week, on fish from your wholesale contact.
Go ahead and contact mine and your local police departments and even the FBI if you choose. You have my address and my cell phone number. Give them both and let them know that if at any time, they want to drop by, they're more than welcome. I'll explain the situation and show them the three fish, which are frozen in my freezer.


Active Member
FWIW I think you owe him the money. You received an item and he didn't(as you said the Dragon died before even being shipped). I sympathize with your situation, but legally he's within his rights to have abeef with the whole situation. Perhaps his insistence to get the fish moved was partially responsible, but you should've been aware of the shipping rules of your local FedEx and their opening/closing times before you even took it there. The very fact that you took the fish all the way to FedEx when they weren't even open is an admission of neglect. I'm also leary of the idea that your Dragon died en route to shipment, I mean really how could this fish die so fast if it wasn't already sick or mistreated? As an outside observor, it sucks for you but you still owe him the money. This is in the interest in fairness and most likely legalities, the cost of taking you to legal court to dispute and collect payment though, especially lacking any type of signed contract, is probably not worth it.


Active Member
The Dragon died due to being locked in a car, in 109 degree heat, for 5+ hours...while I had been arrested for driving on a suspended liscense. I was not allowed to have anyone come get my car, nor the fish.
And, after that...I was let go because it was a "misunderstanding". That wonderful day is also why I was terminated from my job.
And, as I've already told him...he can call the cops, if he chooses to. I'll be waiting for their call. He can pursue legal routes as well. I'll, in turn, hire my own lawyer and we'll be right back to the place we're at now...neither one of us gaining anything.
And...I'm no dummy. I take VERY good care of my fish. If I would've known that Fedex was going to be closed, why would I have gone thru the trouble of taking them, in the first place?
You're definately entitled to your opinion and I respect that. But, I think you already know that I disagree with it.


Active Member
This is a horrible situation but I don't know that either of you should drag your dirt out for everyone to see. IMHO, I think that he might want to calm down and realize that sometimes animals die while shipped and then, secondly, he should allow you some time to recover, say a few months and then you should do your level best to pay him the money that you owe. Legal services will cost you both a whole lot more in the end, than just realizing that this was bad timing.


I think you owe him the money too. What happened to your job, your false arrest is not his fault. If my credit card company wants their money and I tell them I lost my job or was falsly arrested or any other excuse, do you think they care? Fact is he sent you the fish, you owe him the money. If I were in his place, I'd file a lawsuit in small claims court or whever it's applicable.


Active Member
And, if he hadn't insisted on trying to ship the fish numerous times, in one week...and if the fish were still alive, I'd be more than happy to complete this transaction. He's been in the hobby long enough to know the stresses put on fish.
The fish are dead (both of our fish) and neither one of us are benefitting from anything. I call that pretty even...well, not really because I'm more at a loss than he is.


How can you call it even? He sent you the fish and you got them, alive. All the fish died in your care. It amazes me how some people think. If this was me and the guy sent me these fish and something happened while the fish were in my care, I'd sell the clothes on my back to send him the money.