New Fish!


New Member
andy you are a compulsive liar. this is ridiculous. you never attempted to ship the fish back to me. nor was i provided with a tracking number or at least a phone call. i cannot believe you killed all of my fish plus your dragon moray. post pictures of all the dead fish, the dragon moray, crosshatch, puffer and rhinopias. this is no fault of mine. i shipped my fish and you even took pictures of them. i will be pressing charges


New Member
can someone please help me....i honestly never have had something like this happen to me before. i am sitting here staring in front of my computer in disbelief


OH MY GOD, He killed All those beautiful fish. The scorpion was at least 400$. Live in Peace. Bad humans.


Originally Posted by ianbehnk
can someone please help me....i honestly never have had something like this happen to me before. i am sitting here staring in front of my computer in disbelief
Dude, I think it's a pretty straight case. You actually have proof the fish were alive when he got them, he posted pictures, save them on your computer. Go to your local court and file a small claim against him. Each state has a different limit of how much you can sue for in small claims court. I'm no expert in this field but I'm sure they'll give you all the info you need.


Active Member
If you really want to pursue legal action you could certainly take him to small claims court for the price of the fish that you owned. However if he is really unemployed they are not going to get anything out of him at this time. You could give him an allotted time to pay you so you at least know that he is working again.


Active Member
You and me both, Ian. amazes you how some people think? Sell the clothes on your back?
I did nothing but took perfect care of those fish, from the day I got them. At no time, when in my care, where they ever lacking...until they were removed, numerous times, to be his demand.
As I've already stated...I'll be waiting for contact, from either yours or my local PD, if you choose to take that route.


New Member
obviously perfect care wasn't taken....andy i honestly don't even believe all the fish are dead. post pics of all the dead fish...i am still pressing charges but at least you won't be a liar


I'm not saying you killed them by neglect. But even if it was an unfortunate thing, the fish still died in your care. He can tell you to ship them over and over, but the fish are in your care and you should know better. Yes, honestly I would sell whatever possessions I have to pay him back. But that's just me. I believe in doing the right thing.


Active Member
Wow, it is such a shame that it has come to this. I am sorry for the loss of your guys' fish. Hopefully this get resolved peacefully and you both can move on.


New Member
all i know is that when i sent him the fish...they were in perfect can see from the pictures. i have not done anything wrong....i paid the 117 dollars to ship him the fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Wow, it is such a shame that it has come to this. I am sorry for the loss of your guys' fish. Hopefully this get resolved peacefully and you both can move on.

I'm hoping so too. I really am heart broken, that they died. My girlfriend, who doesn't even like my fish, cried.


AW2x3, I know you are a nice guy since you took care of that dragon for many years. Why don't you PM him and make a settlement. Let's say for example, you make 14 payments of 50$ ( or whatever works for you two) so he'll know he is getting his money back. It's not really Tricky.
ianbehnk, you should solve it here not in the court. It's much easier for both you guys.


New Member
i would be glad to settle it here....but he believes that he owes me nothing....when everyone else in the world knows he is to blame. accidents do happen...but you must be responsible for your actions.


Active Member
Well at least it's obvious that both of you cared a lot about your pets. It is really nice to see two people in this hobby who feel passionately about the care of these beautiful animals. So many are killed or die from shipping and nobody seems to care. I still remember the first goldfish that I had when I was 8.:)


Active Member
two things:
1. there are ich spots on the golden puffer's fins in the picture above on post #10 - that was your likely source. I'm in the middle of hypo now b/c my puffer had ich on it's fins that I didn't address before adding to the DT.
2. I agree with the others: that is one terrible situation that caused your DME's death, but would it be his fault that it died from being in the car for 5 hrs b/c of the arrest?


New Member
we do both care about the fish. i agree. but honestly i completed my end of the bargain. i shipped him 3 healthy fish. they were alive and doing perfectly...what else could i have done?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
two things to note:
1. there are ich spots on the golden puffer's fins in the picture above on post #10 - that was your likely source. I'm in the middle of hypo now b/c my puffer had ich on it's fins that I didn't address before adding to the DT.
2. that is one terrible situation that caused your DME's death, but would it be his fault that it died from being in the car for 5 hrs b/c of the arrest?
That is true. The Puffer almost did not make it thru the night, as I stated in the beginning of this thread. They were not "perfectly healthy".
And, no...I do not hold him accountable, in the least, for the death of the Dragon. I'm not demanding that he pay for her.