New fish?

I have 1 Sailfin Tang, 2 Domino Damsels, and 1 Spotted Hawk. I was wondering what kind of wrasse would go good with these fish, and not eat inverts.

nm reef

Active Member
I once had a little 6-line wrasse that was very kewl and full of personality.Sadly he went carpet surfing and never made it back.
If I was to add a new wrasse to my reef then I'd pick another 6-line. They will need a mature system with a plentiful supply of pods and such to nibble on. Very active and for the most part docile...and mine never seemed interested in crabs/snails/shrimp.
I've had dealings with a beast of a formose wrasse that so far has an appitite for all the above except snails. Thats why he now lives in my fish only system...:cool:
Lots of folks here keep wrasse with good luck....personally I'd look at the 6-line.