monday, (it's now thursday night)
I traded in my only fish that came with the tank, old (and agressive) tomatoe clown
and picked up my first 2 fish:
a 3.5" Blue Hippo Tang, and a 3" Yellow Tang
after acclimation, I placed them into the tank,
within 30 min, they both found really good hiding spots (and havn't really come out since)
the yellow has poked his head out a couple times (verry briefly)
but the blue hasn't come out since he went in
he is moving around behind the rockwork, I can't tell if he's eating or not
my water seems to be the same as it was before I put them in,
amonia: 0
N2: .5
N3: .0
Ph: 8.3
s/g: 1.026
Temp: 80.5-81.5
monday, (it's now thursday night)
I traded in my only fish that came with the tank, old (and agressive) tomatoe clown
and picked up my first 2 fish:
a 3.5" Blue Hippo Tang, and a 3" Yellow Tang
after acclimation, I placed them into the tank,
within 30 min, they both found really good hiding spots (and havn't really come out since)
the yellow has poked his head out a couple times (verry briefly)
but the blue hasn't come out since he went in

he is moving around behind the rockwork, I can't tell if he's eating or not

my water seems to be the same as it was before I put them in,
amonia: 0
N2: .5
N3: .0
Ph: 8.3
s/g: 1.026
Temp: 80.5-81.5