New flame scallop from SWF


Active Member
JoeMack........excellent point! My belief was more along the lines of 3-4 years, but I'm not sure.
Nudis are another great example of things dying, and people wondering why, but many have very very short lifespans anyway...say 6 months or less healthy in nature. I think there's one that only lives a month or so.
I doubt anyone wants to starve ANYTHING, and reduce their life knowingly at all, so perhaps someone may know how to actually figure an age on scallops?
Even the "experts" that I have read articles from that believe age plays a role, still believe that scallops starve in tanks, but they think that some deaths may be old age. I don't think any of the more respected authors and hobbiests believe the mass scallop deaths are anything other than a big plate of starvation....with a side of old age.
:happy: :D :D


Active Member
boadyboom, back when I kept them, I don't remember a problem with cleaner crews if the scallop was healthy, but there are fish that will eat them.
But I of course did not have every single member possible of a cleaner crew in my tank, so there may be some......maybe someone else has info. My tip.....stick with scarlet reef hermits, or don't have hermits at all.


Active Member
one of the lfs i got to had a flame scallop that got eaten by a small crab but she didnt know what kind of crab it was it was really small. she put it in a container and it is still there hiding in a piece of live rock.


hey thanks for that info=== all i have is bout 10 hermit crabs-- the lfs didnt know whyte type just that they were hermits-- some have black and white striped legs and some have red legs