new found jellyfish


New Member
As the lights went on tonight to my surprise thee were 2 species of jellyfish in the water with various other minute creatures swimming in my water. One species is a typical disc shape and the other looks like a badmitton birdy with 4 white stinging cells. My question is where the heck did they all come from since nothing has been introduced to the tank for about a month. There are about a dozen of each species and a hundred or so other swimming organisms. the jellyfish are all about an1/8 in. Are they harmful in any way? Should I just enjoy my new inhabitants. they all showed up overnight I am confused


New Member
I am unable to post a pic for you guys. all I can say is this morning they are still alive at the surface and I still dont know where they came from because nothing has been introduced for awhile. I hatch brine right in the tank regularly could that be the source?


Active Member
They are probably a type of tiny jelly called Cladonema jellyfish. They come in several types that are sometimes found in home aquaria. They lay on the rock and substrate during the day and come out at at dusk and feed at night.


Active Member
Yes, yes! I forgot about Cladonema! Here is a picture from Dr. Shimek's site.

and info:
Also some links on hydroids and their 'jellyfish.' (some info in site above as well)
They hang out in the water at night to try and catch and feed on some of those other things wandering around in the water at night. Fish that hunt during the day, tend to have very good it is best for some of these animals to 'lay low' during the day, and come out at night when their prey come out, and because the jelly is less likely to be eaten iteself. The reef at night is truly a completely different universe from the day reef.