New Fox Face


Active Member
I picked up a fox face today, I have never owned one. I know they like algea and this one eats mysis and flake. Anything else I should know. Its about 3 1/2 inches and still in camo mode. I have it in my qt which has a lot of algea and its tearing into that.


Active Member
Spines are venomous and will be like a bad bee sting if you get it. For the most part they will go into camo mode and hide if your hands are in the tank. Go to the grocery store and buy some algae sheets in the asian section. Nori just make sure there are no additives. Much less expensive than the LFS stuff. Mine eats everything. He is small maybe 2 inches and will go back to LFS for trade when he reaches three. They will eat most everything that is green in your tank. I got mine (this is the third one that I buy small and trade in when they grow) to control a Caulerpa outbreak I could not get a handle on. Cool fish, if I ever get a large tank I think I would get a Magnificent foxface.


Active Member
They eat anything and are super super disease resistant. I fed mine from a turkey baster. Ours was between 7-8 years old when it died in a chloramine mishap, so you'll enjoy yours for many many years.
What species did you get?
I call his camo gear his PJs cause he'll also do it when he's sleeping.


Active Member
congrats on the fish..great personality and very hardy..will even make it through an ich attack...mine eats anything will come out more and swim around if it has a swimming partner like a scopas tang and the foxface are best bubs...and i will be trading mine in also when it gets to huge for my tank....90g..


Active Member
Thanks, I did know about the spines, I told my hubby not to stick his hand in tank, and I do have nori already, so all set there
Its going into my 150 so it should have plenty of room. I think its just a regular fox face because they had another that was half black and it was like 54 bucks this one was 36.00
As soon as it settles I will get some pictures.


Active Member
Just picked up a 7" magnificant myself for $98 for my 240g.
Great fish, but for some strange reason mine has yet to take to the nori. He eats Spectrum, Form 1 & 2, Mysis, and even flakes like a champ.
Enjoy a great fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquaguy24
congrats on the fish..great personality and very hardy..will even make it through an ich attack...mine eats anything will come out more and swim around if it has a swimming partner like a scopas tang and the foxface are best bubs...and i will be trading mine in also when it gets to huge for my tank....90g..
He won't outgrow your 90. What I have found with size is, if they are taken from the wild small they will not grow to their full potential. If they come from the wild as adults they have a tendency to be larger.


I got my foxface when he was a little fishie and now he's almost 7" long. Mine is timid when people he doesn't know come close to the tank, but with me... I stick my hands in to put the algae sheets and he doesn't move. I can hand feed him algae. Other than that, he eats pretty much anything and is very easy going and is best friends with Peanut, my powder blue tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Dont let FLric angler get ahold of it or itll be a goner!
Thanks alot! I was going to post that if it didn't work out I would give it a good home. Guess that is blown all to bits now.

Hope you enjoy your new Foxface as much as my angler did TeresaQ.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I got my foxface when he was a little fishie and now he's almost 7" long. Mine is timid when people he doesn't know come close to the tank, but with me... I stick my hands in to put the algae sheets and he doesn't move. I can hand feed him algae. Other than that, he eats pretty much anything and is very easy going and is best friends with Peanut, my powder blue tang.
Have you seen any at the LFS recently. Th eones around here are the size of small horses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
He won't outgrow your 90. What I have found with size is, if they are taken from the wild small they will not grow to their full potential. If they come from the wild as adults they have a tendency to be larger.
thanx for the tip..i might not have to trade him in then...mines pretty small...about 2 1/2 inches i think or 3....


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Have you seen any at the LFS recently. Th eones around here are the size of small horses.
Yea, they have lots. For some reason my LFS is big on Foxfaces. They have so many little ones and I'm talking very little like 2" - 3". Last time I went there, they probably had 10 in one tank.


Congrats!!!Can't wait to put my hands on one!!But can't find one like RCREATION avatar,for some reason they dont have the black dot!
I am so jealous!!!


The ones with the black dot are called One Spot Foxface (common name). The ones without the dot are Foxface Lo. You can buy both kinds online if your LFS don't carry them.